Lust Goddess – Ultimate Guide to Alliances & Alliance Wars

Alliances & Alliance Wars Guide
Ву XGolfX.
The Alliance War puts 10 Alliance on a map to fight each other with the goal being to own tiles to receive rewards at the end of each war day. Alliances are chosen for each map based on Total War Power of each alliance.
Alliances are ranked from 1 to infinity based on the total war power with teams ranked 1-10 are on the Top Map, teams ranked 11-20 on Map #2, 21-30 on Map #3 and so on and so forth until all teams are assigned a map. The idea behind this is that all teams on a map start with the Same Range of Starting War Power.
Previous Results have absolutely no bearing on your war map placement, it is strictly based on total war troops in the alliance. Maps are tiered from tier 1 – 8 (Tier 1 the highest Tier) Rewards are better on the higher tiered maps.
Although War Bonds on the Tier 1 Map are lower than the Tier 2 & 3 Maps. The idea behind this is a Catch-Up Mechanism to allow Stronger Teams to catch up to the Strongest teams by giving them the chance to win more war bonds.
Each War consists if 18 Rounds, broken down into 6 days of 3 round each. All times will be shown in UTC (Game Time). Convert for you timezone, converters are easily found on the web.
The war starts on Monday at 19:00 UTC (7:00 pm UTC) and ends on Sunday at (18:50 UTC).
Each day consists of 3 Rounds:
- Round 1 Starts 19:00 UTC (7:00 pm UTC) – Ends 00:50UTC (12:50 am UTC)
- Clash and Map reset occurs for 10 Minutes
- Round 2 Starts 01:00 UTC (1:00 am UTC) – Ends 12:50UTC (12:50 pm UTC)
- Clash and Map reset occurs for 10 Minutes
- Round 3 Starts 13:00 UTC (1:00 pm UTC) – Ends 18:50UTC (6:50 pm UTC)
- Clash and Map reset occurs for 10 Minutes
- Map Rewards are calculated
There is a Clash Monitor in the right margin of the map which shows the current clash.
- Day 1 consists of Clashes 1 – 3
- Day 2 consists of Clashes 4 – 6
- Day 3 consists of Clashes 7 – 9
- Day 4 consists of Clashes 10 – 12
- Day 5 consists of Clashes 13 – 15
- Day 6 consists of Clashes 16 – 18
Rewards are earned at the end of each day. The Last Day of the War the rewards are doubled.
Influence is the currency the Alliance uses to Level Up the Rank of the Alliance, and to open and upgrade the level of Alliance Bonuses. Only the Alliance Leader and Alliance Officers may spend Influence.
Influence is earned in the following ways and is only earned by the Alliance:
- When Alliance Members Complete Chapters in Events.
- When Alliance Members make Real Money Purchases.
- Rewards in the War for owning Tiles which have Influence as a Reward.
Apex is the currency that Members use to run and utilize the Alliance Bonuses. Apex is earned in the following ways, Apex is only earn by the Member.
- When You Make a Purchase with Real Money (only the Member making the purchase earn Apex)
- Rewards in the War for owning tiles which have Apex as a Reward
- Each Day you will receive Apex in your player Rewards section the amount depend on the Map Tier you are on.
- Apex can be Purchased form the Heli Race Shop
War Bonds
War Bonds are the main and most sought after currency in the Wars. They are used to Spin the War Spoils Roulette and to Purchase new War Units.
They are earned in the following ways:
- Rewards in the war for tiles owned, every tile has War bonds, Middle Tile generally pay double War Bonds compared to Edge Tiles, (With the rare exception being that some middle structures pay the same War Bonds As Edge Tiles) The Amount of War bonds on Tiles Depends on the Map Tier
- You can purchase Bonds in the Alliance Shop for Real Money and twice a week you can purchase 100 Bonds for 100 Gems.
Diesel is the currency used to Boost Troops in the war. Diesel is earned in the following ways:
- When Alliance Members make a purchase, ALL alliance members receive Diesel in the Player Rewards section.
- Purchased for Real Money in the Alliance Shop
- Earned from the War Spoil Roulette, with spins for 1000 and 2000.
- Purchased from Heli Race shop at a rate of 500 topgear for 500 diesel, once daily.
- As a default reward on Tier 4 and lower War maps.
Turbocores & Neocubes
These two currencies are used to Level Up War Units (Increasing Troops).
Turbocores are separated as follows:
- Green Turbocores (Tanks)
- Red Turbocores (Mechs)
- Blue Turbocores (Aircraft)
Turbocore Packs (Contain all 3 types of Turbocores).
They are both earned in the following ways:
- They are the Main Currencies available on the War Spoils Roulette.
- They can by Purchased Turbocore Packs and Neocubes for Real Money in the Alliance Shop, and everyday at the daily reset you can purchase these for 100 Gems Each. The amount of Turbocores & Neocubes for all purchases increase based on the level of your War Spoils Roulette.
- They can be purchased in the Heli Race Shop. Each type of Turbocore is a separate purchase in this shop. These amounts also increase based on the level of your War Spoils Roulette.
- Neocubes are offered as rewards on tiles in the War.
Map Entry Points
Entry points on the Map, are predetermined at the start of the war, based on the Teams “in_room_place”. The Top Maps (Tier 1) these points are randomized each week. On all subsequent maps these are shown on the Alliance War Leaderboard within the Map.
In the attached images, map placement would be as follows. (Remember this is NOT true on the Top Map):
- XTopTierX1.
- Clan X.
- Tokyo Ravens.
- And so on…
The Entry points on the map are as Follows. These Entry points do not change during the war. Therefore, if you are knocked off the map at any point during the war, these would be the tiles you would be able to re-enter on.

Neutral Forces
Neutral Forces, are the forces that each tile on the map starts the war with. These vary by War Map Tier, and Average War troops of all the team on the map. Sometimes these are set to Zero (known bug, and shown force with a ???). These troops also vary with Buildings/Structures having more Neutral Forces than tile without Structures. Middle tiles also have more Neutral Forces than edge tile.
Placing Troops
To place troops on the map, you simply click on the tile you wish to place your troops on, and click on Attack (if your team does not own the tile) or Defend (if your team does own the tile). Then you can choose the troops you wish to place, either by clicking individual units to place, click on the All Tanks, All Mechs, All Aircraft, or All Troops Buttons. Then click Send.
You will then have the option to boost your troops using Diesel. The chart below shows the amounts of diesel compared to the amount of troops dropped at each level, also showing base troops dropped. As you can see from the chart below it is a best practice not to waste diesel when you have low troop counts. And it is better to save your diesel until you have at least 5,000 base war troops dropped.

Hiding / Scouting
Troops placed on a tile can be Hidden from other teams, using Gems. Team can also Scout the hiding troops by also spending gems. The first time you hid (Cost 30 Gems), the first time scout (Cost 40 Gems) these costs increase each time the troops are hidden and/or scouted during each round, and these costs reset to 30/40 Gems at the start of each round.
Hiding Troops is a strategy often used on Maps above Tier 4. Most maps below tier 3 do not see a lot of this, in comparison on Tier 1-3, this is a cery common practice with troops Hidden/Scouted Several times during a round.
Winning Tiles
In order to “win” a tile during a round, your team must have more troops than every other team, and also the Neutral Forces. When each round ends the Amount of troops left on the tile is calculated by taking the Winning Teams Troops less the troops of the 2nd place team on the tile or Neutral Forces if those exist. At the end of the war day the remaining troops are reduced by 70%, As an Example
- Round 1 – Team 1 (130K Troops) Team 2 (50K Troops) Neutral Forces (70K Troops)
- Remaining Troops Start of Round 2 = 60K (130,000 – 70,000)
- Round 3 (End of Dar Day) – Team 1 (130k Troops) Team 2 (30K Troops) Teams 3 (28k Troop)
- Remaining Troops Start of Round 4 = 30K (130,000 – 30,000 = 100,000 70% Reduction)
Uprisings / Riots
Uprisings occur when a Team holds 4 or more tiles. These uprisings (Aka Riots), will show up during the subsequent round. (Ie. your team holds 6 Tiles during round 2, you will possibly see these Uprisings in round 3). The Chance a tile will have Uprisings; will be shown on the tile. Shown as Very Low, Low, Medium, High.
In general these codes mean the following:
- Very Low – Almost 0% Chance of a riot appearing.
- Low – About 10% Chance of a riot appearing
- Medium – About 30-60% Chance of a riot appearing
- High – About 60-95% Chance of a riot appearing.
The amount of Neutral Forces that will appear is solely based on the Total Troops of the Alliance who owned the tile when the riots appear. These forces will be roughly 17.5-25% of the Alliances Total War Troops.
The Table Below shows the Number of tiles which will have a “High” Riot chance based on the number of tiles held at the end of any round.

Rewards are earned at the end of each war Day (every 3rd round).
Each tile will give War Bonds, Neocubes, and Apex. Middle tiles will give double the amount of War Bonds and Apex than edge tiles. Structures/Buildings on both Edge and Middle tiles will pay the same in War Bonds, and Apex but can also give special rewards which could be gems, serum, lego crates, or credits.
Tiles on lower tier maps also reward Diesel. Buildings/Structures also give the Alliance Influence. The amount of reward each member receives is based on the Place they finish within the alliance in terms of total troops dropped during the war day. As shown in the chart below
As an example, if you own a Tile which gives 2800 War Bonds, and 100k Credits. You would receive the following rewards based on your placement.
- 1st – 140 Bonds, 5,000 Credits
- 2nd – 112 Bonds, 4,000 Credits
- 3rd – 98 Bonds, 3,500 Credits
- 4th – 6th – 84 Bonds, 3,000 Credits
- 7th – 10th – 70 Bonds, 2,500 Credits
- 11th – 27th – 49 Bonds, 1,750 Credits
- 28th – 36th – 35 Bonds, 1,250 Credits
- 37th – 62nd – 21 Bonds, 750 Credits
- 63rd – 78th – 12 Bonds, 500 Credits
Any rewards not earned are lost, meaning it an Alliance only has 10 Members, then only 10 places are paid out, and the rewards not earned are lost.

Markers and Targeting
Because it is so important to cooperate during the Alliance War, the game provides two kind of markers: a flag and a bullseye.
These markers can be put down by the Leaders and Officers of your Alliance, and when clicked on in the game, give the following messages:
- Flag: “You shouldn’t send troops here”;
- Bullseye: “You should send troops here”.
However, it is possible that your Alliance chooses to ignore these meaning and uses the markers in a different way. Instead of indicating where to send and not send, they could show where to attack and where to defend, or be used as general markers to indicate entry points or interesting tiles to work towards during the day.
Always check with your Leadership how they choose to approach an AllianceWar. Also check the Alliance’s pinned message for further instructions for the clash.
About Troops
Basic Information
A common question is how to best grow your Troop count so you can send more during AllianceWars.
To answer this question the following points are worth repeating:
- Every account starts with six free Common Troops.
- An extra six Troops (two Rares, two Epics, and two Legendaries) can be bought with WarBonds.
- Another six Troops (two Rares, two Epics, and two Legendaries) can only be unlocked through the WarEcho Event.
- Troops can be leveled by spending TurboCores on them.
- Every ten levels you will also need to spend Neocubes to get to the next level.
How WarSpoils Influences the HeliMarket
WarSpoils can be found by going to ‘Alliance’ > ‘AllianceWar’ > ‘WarSpoils’.
You can spin this Roulette using WarBonds. Every so many spins the Roulette will level up (progress can be tracked on the bar at the right side of the screen).
The level of WarSpoils will determine the amount of TurboCores and Neocube that can be gained. The amount of SuperDiesel, Emerix and MicroChips will always remain the same. The amount of LegendaryPoints is determined by your MaxLeague.
The HeliMarket can be found by going to ‘Alliance’ > ‘HeliRacing’ > ‘Market’. Here you can spend TopGear (gained through HeliRaces) on one of the following Rewards:
- LegendaryPoints (amount is determined by your MaxLeague);
- SuperDiesel and Apex (amount is always the same);
- TurboCores and Neocubes (amount is determined by your WarSpoils level).
This last point is the most important part of this strategy. Higher level WarSpoils = more TurboCores and Neocubes in the HeliMarket.
It shows the amount of TurboCores and Neocubes that will appear in the HeliMarket for each level of WarSpoils (up to 20, currently it’s unclear how far WarSpoils can be leveled, the highest we’ve found is 50+).
Click to enlarge…

The Strategy
If you do not own all the Troops that can be bought with WarBonds, we suggest doing the following:
- Every day, send your Troops to the AllianceWar.
- Every week, spend half the WarBonds you’ve gained on spinning the WarSpoils Roulette. Save the other half to purchase new Troops.
- Once you’ve saved up enough WarBonds to buy a Rare Troop, do so. After you have both Rare Troops, move up to the Epics and then the Legendaries.
- Use the TurboCores and Neocubes you’ve gained to level up your Troops. (More information about leveling Troops later.) Do not yet buy AllianceWar resources through the HeliMarket, except SuperDiesel. Always buy SuperDiesel.
- Once your WarSpoils reaches level 5, buy TurboCores and Neocubes as needed.
- Once your WarSpoils reaches level 7, buy Neocubes as needed.
- Once your WarSpoils reaches level 10, always buy Neocubes when you can, whether you need them or not. You will need a lot of them very soon, they are the bottleneck in leveling up Troops.
Please note that this assumes you want to focus on AllianceWar and are willing to spend most (if not all) your TopGear with that in mind. If not, feel free to spend them on LegendaryPoints and Apex.
Leveling the Troops
While everybody has their own preferred strategy for leveling their Troops, the following distribution seems to be the most effective:
- Level up your Legendary Troops until you reach a level where you need Neocubes and don’t have enough resources to get another 10 levels on them. Try to level these Troops evenly. Once you reach that point.
- Level up your Epic Troops up until they are 10 levels below your Legendary Troops. Once again, try to level these Troop evenly.
- Do the same for your Rare Troops until they are 10 levels below your Epic Troops.
- And after this level up your Commons until they are 10 levels below your Rare Troops.
An example of this is the following spread:
- Legendary/Epic/Rare/Common.
- Levels 40/30/20/10.
This does assume that you have Troops of each rarity. If you are still saving up to buy more, simply skip the steps of the rarities you still don’t have.
Alliance Bonuses
Let me explain how alliance bonuses work. First there are two currencies:
- Influence (Belongs to the Alliance).
- Apex (Belongs to the individual player).
Influence is the currency used by the Alliance Leader and Officers ONLY. Only the Alliance Leader can Level Up the Alliance using Influence. Alliance Leader & Officers can use Influence to Open & Upgrade the Alliance Bonuses.
- Members cannot use Influence at all!
Members including the Leader & Officers use their own Currency Apex to Use the Alliance Bonuses, when someone uses and Alliance Bonsus with Apex, it is only running that bonus for that member and not for the who alliance.