Hello Kitty Island Adventure – Trading Guide & Ratios

Trading for Beginners
Ву Pariah.
The purpose of this guide is for new players, or players that may not have this information, to have a reference point on what is fair and what is not.
The quantities of each item do not take into account event gifts, visitors who have become resident gifts, mini game rewards or the use of Island Bouquet resets to collect additional items. Quantities with a * are chance based or determined by the quality of gifts given to an island friend.
Trading ratios may be affected by supply and demand within the community and within the game. This guide does not take into account release of new story missions that may require significant amounts of certain items, or personal opinions on item value.
How I create a ratio to determine trading value is by taking the number of spawns per day for each item and put them together using A:B.
Iron 14
Sand Dollars 50
Now I will simplify this ratio by using the dreaded MATHS. Divide each side by the lowest of the two.
14/14 : 50/14 = 1:3.6
My rule of thumb is that I always round down when I get a fraction and disregard standard rounding rules. That is my personal opinion you can determine how you would like to calculate for yourself.
Trading ratio for a Iron and Sand Dollars
For every 1 iron I would want 3 sand dollars in return.
But what if the person only has ingots because they crafted all their iron into them before I asked?
Then you would change your numbers a bit! It takes 3 iron to get one ingot. Take the daily amount of iron (14) and divide it by 3. Then make a new ratio.
4/4 : 50/4 = 1:12.5
Ratio for the trade: 1:12
For every 1 ingot I would want 12 Sand Dollars in return.
Friendship Bouquets
Friendship Bouquets are an invaluable resource for advancing friendship levels with characters and gaining resources that are gifted by the residents of your island.

Friendship bouquets are able to be consumed on other peoples islands to reset the island that you are on at the moment.

You receive one friendship bouquet per week on Saturday as a daily gift from My Melody, making it an extremely rare resource.

I have noticed that people do not fully grasp the importance of this item before offering to trade the item away for something they may need early on in the game or that they are desperate to get because a quest/task may require a large amount of one item.
The following is a suggestion. If/when you choose to trade a bouquet it is completely up to you to determine what it is worth to you.
To determine the ratio for a friendship bouquet, take the daily spawn rate of the item you want to trade for and multiply it by 7 (7 days in a week).
Stick /day = 30
30 * 7 = 210
Wood blocks take 5 sticks to create.
Ratios for trading one friendship bouquet for either sticks or wood blocks.
Sticks Wood Blocks
1:210 1:42
You would want to trade 1 friendship bouquet for 210 sticks or 42 blocks.
My personal recommendation is that you do not trade these items unless you have a full stack of 3 already and there are no new updates to the game in the near future. There may be new updates that introduce new characters that need leveling. Keeping this item guarantees that you can advance in the story more efficiently, since leveling friendships also unlocks quests that further game progression.
Method | Item | Qty/Day |
Collect | Sticks | 30 |
Collect | Apples | 7 |
Gift | Flour | 24-30* |
Gift | Banana | 24-30* |
Gift | Honeycomb | 24-30* |
Collect | Box Clam | 7 |
Collect | Cactus Cream | 12 |
Collect | Calming Crystal | 7 |
Gift | Candlenut | 24-30* |
Gift | Candy Cloud | 24-30* |
Collect | Cinna Bloom | 7 |
Collect | Chocolate Coin | 15 |
Collect | Coconut | 29 |
Collect | Coral Milk | 12 |
Gift | Dough | 24-30* |
Gift | Feather | 24-30* |
Collect | Fizzy Ore | 60 |
Gift | Gizmo | 24-30* |
Gift | Glitch | 24-30* |
Collect | Glow Berry | 7 |
Collect | Iron | 14 |
Gift | Light Stone | 24-30* |
Gift | Little Challenge | 24-30* |
Collect | Lotus Blossom | 14 |
Collect | Magma Bloom | 7 |
Collect | Moon Cheese | 11 |
Collect | Mushroom | 50 |
Collect | Obsidian Shard | 50 |
Gift | Paper | 24-30 |
Collect | Pineapple | 9 |
Gift | Pollen Puff | 24-30* |
Collect | Pumpkin | 7 |
Weather | Raindrops | 15-30* |
Collect | Ribbon | 2 |
Collect | Rubber | 7 |
Collect | Sakura | 22 |
Collect | Sand Dollar | 50 |
Collect | Seashell | 50 |
Collect | Seed | 24 |
Collect | Shiny | 50 |
Collect | Snowcicle | 7 |
Collect | Spinip | 12 |
Collect | Starfish | 17 |
Collect | Starfruit | 12 |
Weather | Stardrop | 15-30* |
Gift | Stardust | 48-60* |
Weather | Steamdrop | 15-30* |
Gift | Strawberry | 24-30* |
Gift | Sugarkelp | 24-30* |
Collect | Swampmallow | 15 |
Gift | Thread | 24-30* |
Collect | Toasted Almond | 15 |
Gift | Tofu | 24-30* |
Gift | Wool | 24-30* |
Collect | Worm Tail | 14 |
Bouquet Treasure Chests
Five chests were discovered across three different locations:
- 2 in Merry Meadow.
- 2 in Red Hot Ruins.
- 1 in Rainbow Reef.
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