Home » BLEACH Rebirth of Souls – Guide to Ulquiorra Shifar

BLEACH Rebirth of Souls – Guide to Ulquiorra Shifar

Ulquiorra Shifar Guide

Ву Sandals.

The Rundown

  • Ulquiorra is a close to mid-range character who leverages his life for damage.
  • He has a lower max health than other characters and only 9 konpaku, so don’t be reckless.
  • He spends reishi (life) to cash out on Cero attacks for big damage, while using EX meter on his regeneration to gain back what he spent.
  • As he awakens and reawakens, an aggressive playstyle and his damage both become better with each stage.
  • While Chain Reverse (Gold Burst) is always good for combo extension, Ulquiorra gets lots of mileage from neutral Reverse action since it also comes with reishi regen.

Normal State

Basics & Gameplan:

  • State that does the lowest damage (naturally)
  • He has weak combos, wants to save resource if possible for more regen with burst and EX Move 2 rather than spending a lot of life
  • Basically you want to get hits when an opportunity comes, and at least bide time until awakening
  • Spending meter on damage is fine occasionally, but stay mindful and manage well to win in this state
  • The sooner you awaken, the better. Segunda Etapa is Godlike and we wanna get to that
  • He wants to deal his damage, recover the life spent on damage, and then win the next situation


Note: Aside from the EX move 1 explanation, Cero in these parts refers to Ulquiorra’s Signature attack.

  • Quick Attack 1: A quick upward slash. It’s important to note that it is plus on block, meaning when the opponent guards, you can press it again and hit the opponent before they can hit you with even a breaker. Following up with another quick attack 1 on block only loses to Hoho, invincible attacks, and armored attacks, so be careful if you see your opponent is hip to this.
  • Quick Attack 2: A follow-up downward slash that does not do anything special to note. It is safe when guarded, but since it moves Ulquiorra slightly forward be mindful of opponents who responded with breakers. You can beat any immediate attack done after the opponent blocks with a Sonido. Can be canceled into Cero.
  • Quick Attack 3: A follow-up advancing thrust that has the same functionality on block as Quick Attack 2. Unlike the other two quick attacks, it cannot be canceled into a Cero.
  • Flash Attack 1: A blade swipe that is completely unsafe on block if done too close and is not canceled into Cero or Quick Attack 2. Better combo starter than Quick Attack 1 and has more range naturally.
  • Flash Attack 2: A multi-hit stab attack that hits 4 times. Unsafe if blocked, even if you cancel into Cero, Ulquiorra recovers too slow so he can be hit by most enemy quick attacks. Cancelling into Chain Reverse on block will make it so it is still your turn to attack, but at a premium cost.
  • Dashing/Sidestep Quick Attack: An attack very similar to Quick Attack 3, except it can go into Quick Attack 2 or Flash Attack 2.
  • Special Flash Attack: An advancing sweep attack. It has good range and is his best combo starter, since when you cancel this move into Cero, the beam allows for follow-ups/combo extension(more on that in the Combos section). This Cero is also the only Cero that is safe on block no matter the spacing.
  • Signature Move: Cero – The small scale version of the Cero beam. Consumes life and will be our most important damage tool along with EX Move 1. It has really good range but it shouldn’t be used to zone opponents too much because that costs too much life. Can cancel into EX Move 1 for damage no matter the state you are in.
  • EX Move 1: Cero – The big dog Cero beam. Consumes more life but does much more damage than the signature move version. Good to catch opponents during their approach sometimes, punish their whiff, or cash out for damage if you are sure that you can soul break.
  • EX Move 2: Instant Regeneration – This move is named instant regeneration, but it only instantly regenerates blue health, not white. This is what makes it so important to utilize in combination with neutral (white) Reverse action, you can very quickly recover lots of health this way. The length you hold the button during the move’s activation determines how much health you recover in total. What the move actually does is start regenerating blue health a short period after its activation, and the amount varies based on the amount of time you hold the button when activating. It’s important to note that the regeneration stops as soon as you get hit, but not when you block something. When combined with white reverse you can recover a huge amount of health. On top of all of this, in every form, this move functions as a combo extender when used after Flash Attack 2(More on this in the Combos section). It is also good to be decisive about when to get a free fully charged regen off after landing flash attack 2, versus going for the combo extension.
  • Kikon Move – Destroys 3 Konpaku

Awakened – Murcielago

Basics & Gameplan:

  • A Balanced version between Normal and Reawakened.
  • Does better damage, so cashing out on damage starts to become more worth it.
  • Offense gets better, but you still want to manage that life bar, especially since you most likely have lost some Konpaku by the time you awaken.
  • Cero becomes better, still shouldn’t be abused but it can see more use.
  • Either win now or make it to Segunda Etapa.


  • Quick Attack 1: A quicker upward slash just like normal quick attack 1, still plus on block.
  • Quick Attack 2: Same properties as normal state, just a different animation.
  • Quick Attack 3: Same properties as normal state, but a slash instead of a thrust
  • Flash Attack 1: Faster swipe slash than normal state, also benefits a LOT from Cero being improved to be safe on block no matter the spacing, so it can always be used to keep you safe in case your flash attack is blocked.
  • Flash Attack 2: 3 swiping slashes that move Ulquiorra forward, always cancel into Cero or Reverse Action when blocked since it can be punished easily.
  • Dashing Quick Attack: Improved version of the normal version, only in range. Same properties as before otherwise.
  • Special Flash Attack: Same properties as normal besides the damage increase. The nice change here is that the Cero follow-up becomes plus on block now, so Ulquiorra can Quick Attack to continue his pressure, which makes this a great offense starter to utilize from time to time.
  • Signature Move: Cero – A more damaging small-scale Cero. Ulquiorra recovers faster when he’s done with the attack, making it much better as an option on a blocking opponent in all situations.
  • EX Move 1: Cero Oscuras – Bigger Beam, Bigger Damage, same health cost (thankfully)
  • EX Move 2: Instant Regeneration – This move stays the exact same
  • Awakened Kikon Move 1 – Destroys 4 Konpaku
  • Awakened Kikon Move 2 – Destroys 5 Konpaku

Reawakened – Segunda Etapa

Basics & Gameplan:

  • His best self, this is Ulquiorra
  • He becomes faster overall, in movement and in his attacks
  • His effective fighting range gets increased a ton
  • Rushdown becomes so good
  • Cero becomes amazing in all its uses
  • Made for comebacks
  • Easily sets up spacing traps and frame traps


  • Quick Attack 1: This move becomes a super-fast claw swipe with an insane range, all while still being plus on block. Please use and abuse this.
  • Quick Attack 2: Another huge claw swipe with a lot of range, but functions the same as the others on block.
  • Quick Attack 3: A 3rd swipe, but the same as the other 3rd attacks.
  • Flash Attack 1: A tail swipe with more range and speed than the previous counterparts. Unlike the others though, it is safe on block.
  • Flash Attack 2: A 3 hit attack that is still unsafe on block unless cancelled into Cero. Grounded Cero being buffed makes this just fine since it will still be Ulquiorra’s turn.
  • Dashing Quick Attack: An advancing claw swipe that is also plus on block. Another tool to abuse, as people mashing breaker or Quick Attack after blocking will get hit every single time.
  • Special Flash Attack: A very fast advancing claw slash, great to punish opponents for whiffing their attacks. Still unsafe on block, and the angle on the Cero follow-up here actually makes it so that it is not your turn on block if you’re too close to the opponent. Try to space this attack properly in general, whether using Cero or not.
  • Signature Move: Cero – The biggest Cero beam. Also the most abusable since Ulquiorra can act even faster when it’s done. It even costs lower health to boot. It’s insane.
  • EX Move 1: Cero Oscuras – The most damaging Cero he has. A huge beam with great speed and range. This is the damaging combo ender when you want to go for Soul Breaks.
  • EX Move 2: Instant Regeneration – This move stays the same
  • Kikon Move – Destroys 5 Konpaku


Since combos in this game are based on loops and not necessarily complex, all you need to know is what combo extensions Ulquiorra has and how to string them together. Another thing to know is combos starting with Special Flash Attack do more damage than Flash Attack 1, which do more than Quick Attack 1.

Quick Glossary:

  • xx = Cancel Into

Extension 1: Flash Attack 2 xx EX Move 2

Flash Attack 2 when cancelled into EX Move 2 allows Ulquiorra to link a Special Flash Attack, this is important because this sets up.

Extension 2: Special Flash Attack xx Signature Move Cero

This allows Ulquiorra to link into a Flash Attack 1, and continue the combo. I will provide video examples of how this works together for some of Ulquiorra’s lengthier combos.

Extension 3: Segunda Etapa Only. Ulquiorra can Chain Reverse from his Hoho(teleport) attack follow-up. This is solely used to cashout and do combos that allow you to take Konpaku from the start. Video examples of extensions and max damage combos will be below.

Ulquiorra Extension Example

Ulquiorra Base Max Dmg

Murcielago Max Dmg

Segunda Etapa Can Combo Characters Into Kikon Moves Pretty Easily

Segunda Etapa Spacing Trap Example, Super High Damage Output

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