Home » Avatar: Realms Collide – Beginners Guide (Tips + Tier List)

Avatar: Realms Collide – Beginners Guide (Tips + Tier List)

Getting Started

I want to explain two key game concepts: “squads” and “troops.” It’s really important to understand these terms, especially when you’re deciding which element and heroes to upgrade. You’ll notice these two terms appear frequently when you’re looking at hero skills.

  • All benders are led by heroes, each hero with benders is a “squad”.
  • When you send out a march, you can have up to 3 squads, this is 1 troop.

When you send just Aang to attack something, this counts as 1 squad inside 1 troop. But when you send Aang, Bumi, and Tenzin together, this counts as 3 squads inside 1 troop.

When you’re organizing a troop, you’ll see 3 slots. The middle slot is the most important one because placing a hero there will activate their “Leader skills.” You’ll learn more about Leader skills in the section below.

As per feedback, I’ve also added a screenshot of what the screen looks like when you organize a troop!

In the top left where it says “Organize Troop,” there is an “i” icon; if you click on this, it will show you the buffs you have for the current march, such as attack, defense, HP, gathering speed, etc.

  • The buffs shown are what the heroes provide. The crown means Aang is this troop’s leader, and his Avatar leader skill passive buffs are applying to the troop.

In the top right, you will see a button that says “Preset”; pressing this will allow you to see the current presets you have and make new ones.

So if I click Preset, then the download icon in the dropdown, then in one of the 3 empty slots, it will save Aang and Tenzin + the amount of troops as a preset that I can use at any time.

  • To use a preset: Just tap the preset button, then tap on one of the saved ones that comes up.
  • To save over a preset: Tap the download icon, then tap on a used slot. This will overwrite the preset slot.


Just like in the rest of the Avatar universe, our game has different Elements you can choose from. Each Element brings a different playstyle to the game.

Choosing your Element is a very important decision. I recommend picking an Element that matches how you like to play the game.

We’ll start things off by talking about the Water tribe:

As you can see from the screenshot below, Water is a mostly supporting element in our game and thus is the weakest for PVP. The starting hero for it is Katara.

The Water tribe Avatar in the game is Korra.

  • Her Leader Skill is Friendship, and it increases her troops’ attack and base healing.

The other Water heroes are Yue (she is this element’s gathering-focused hero).

  • She specializes in gathering gold, giving 6% additional gold after gathering gold, and increases gold gather speed by 30% at max.

And finally, Sokka.

  • Water is an element based around buffing/debuffing and healing exhausted benders; their benders have the highest HP, but less DEF and ATK.

Next up: Fire, PVP element

Fire is completely different from Water. It performs best in player versus player combat, but the downside is you’ll need to spend actual money to get the most out of it. Fire users start with Prince Zuko as their hero. You can see the basic stats it provides in the image below.

As of writing this, Fire does not have an Avatar yet. However, they do have the advantage of having a VIP hero, Azula.

How to obtain the VIP Hero: Look at the top left corner of your screen next to your power level – you’ll see a VIP icon. To get the VIP hero, you need to purchase the “special bundles” for each VIP level (from 1 to 10) to maximize the hero’s potential.

These bundles cost approximately $250 USD in total. However, you can reach VIP level 9 for free by collecting gems through events and missions in the game.

To simply unlock Azula, but not max her out, is only $1.

  • The Fire resource gathering hero is Piandao, and he specializes in Stone. As with Yue, he provides 6% extra resources and 30% gathering speed for stone.

The other heroes are: Uncle Iroh and Asami Sato.

  • Fire specializes in dealing damage, skill damage, buffing/debuffing benders, and rage.

What is rage? Rage refers to certain skills each hero gets. When the rage bar fills up during battle, the hero’s rage skill will activate. Below is Iroh’s rage skill, as an example.

  • Fire is an element based on fighting, with benders that have the highest ATK.

Air, the F2P option

As the title says, Air is the next element we’re going to talk about, and is objectively one of the better options if you don’t plan on spending much. Why is that?

  • You get 2 fairly strong legendary heroes early on, Aang and Bumi.
  • Bumi shards are quite plentiful in our game, so if you wish to, you can always save your legendary shards to use on Aang, making them both reasonably powerful.

Air is a bit of a jack-of-all-trades element, that’s good at a little bit of everything, but not particularly amazing at anything.

  • The air avatar is Aang, his Leader Skill is Glider, and it increases his troops’ marching speed and HP.
  • The air resource gathering hero is Meelo, and he specializes in Wood. As with Yue and Piandao, 6% extra resources and 30% gathering speed for wood.

The other Heroes are: Borte, Tenzin, and Bumi. As before, here are the starting buffs given to Air players.

  • Air Benders have stats that are comparable in all areas instead of focused in 1.

Earth, the meta

As mentioned, Earth is the current “meta” element, that’s overall quite strong, and has decent ease of use.

Earth is a bit of a “tankier” element than the rest, their benders having the highest DEF compared to other same tier benders.

  • The Earth avatar in game is Kyoshi, and her Leader Skill “Justice & Punishment” increases all troops skill damage.

The starter buffs for Earth are a bit different than the rest, and I will explain below when talking about the gathering hero.

The Earth gathering hero is Kuei. He specializes in Food gathering speed. Unlike other gathering heroes, Kuei’s maximum gathering speed skill gives 24% instead of the standard 30% that other gathering heroes provide.

For his secondary skills, Kuei offers 30% extra carrying capacity and 8% bonus resources (which is better than the typical 6% from other heroes).

But, that stacks with the Earth effect of +10% gathering, so if you are using Kuei (or any other gathering hero!) you will get an extra 10% gather speed.

  • So for Yue, Piandao, and Mello, if you are using Earth as your element you’ll get 40% extra gathering speed if they are maxed out. And for Kuei you will get 34% instead of 24.

This stacks with all other stats, such as VIP, research, etc.

  • Earth is a defensively focused Element, with benders that are good for tanking.

Troop Stats

I add some graphs to show the differences in troops’ strength.

  • Light blue represents each element’s ATK
  • Dark blue represents DEF
  • Orange represents HP.

These stats are based on Tier 4 benders; the higher a bar is, the higher the stat.

For example, earlier I said Fire benders had the highest ATK stat. At T4, they have 107 base ATK, with 105 DEF, and 104 HP.

  • When we compare that to Earth, their ATK is 105, DEF is 107, and HP is 104.
  • Water is 104 ATK, 105 DEF, and 107 HP.
  • The big differentiator is Air, which has 106 ATK, 106 DEF, and 104 HP.


Gems / Emeralds Tips

What Should I Spend My Gems / Emeralds On

Here are a couple of ways to spend them as F2P:

  • Upgrading your VIP to the desired level. You can check benefits/buffs by searching through the VIP tab on the top left of your screen. You can also see the VIP shop benefits using your “Market” building.
  • Spending them in your “Market” building (after reaching a desired/useful VIP level).
  • Participating in the Iroh wheel event that comes around every so often (extremely beneficial rewards, also a way to obtain Iroh if you aren’t having any luck pulling him from the scrolls).

Spending as P2W:

  • Upgrading your Coop-Center. It allows you to control a larger rally size for alliance activities and war (yes, it gets extremely expensive to level up over time).
  • VIP items found in your “Market” building, as you most likely would’ve already increased your VIP level from making purchases.
  • Participating in the Iroh wheel event that comes around every so often (extremely beneficial rewards, also a way to obtain Iroh if you aren’t having any luck pulling him from the scrolls).

Increasing Power Fast

  • Research! Obviously, you would need speedups and a lot of saved resources to push research this hard with very little time. I suggest pushing the economy tree as far as you can.
  • Hospital Building! This building (although expensive) does not require lengthy times to level up and provides a pretty good boost in power on upgrade.
  • Townhall! The townhall will allow you to push your research and buildings further. It also gives a decent amount of power on upgrade and applies a power boost to all the heroes you have in regards to bender cap increase, and yes, that hero power does increase your overall power.
  • Hero Talent Trees! If you haven’t done your heroes’ talent trees (as far as you can), I pushed about 300k power last night for doing hero talent trees that I hadn’t started yet. Each talent point increases your power (when activated).
  • If you have a lot of speedups to spare (or specifically recruitment speedups), depending on your bender tier, it can increase your power by 3-4K (based on current average tier of bender in the server) once done training.

Those are a couple of ways to increase power fast in a couple of hours.

PvP Tier List

Here is the long-awaited PvP tier list – all heroes are ranked based on their overall potential, skills, and talent tree. Bumi’s current ranking is debatable due to some of his skills having great potential. He can be considered an A+ or S-tier hero, though he leans more toward A+ tier.

If you’re new to the game and wondering why the heroes Kuvira, Unalaq, Mako, and Lin Beifong are included, it’s because they were previously available to players in worlds 1-4, where they are still in use. (Yes, they will be brought back in future events.)

Hero Talent Trees

Please take into consideration that talent trees can have dual purposes depending on the hero’s background.

Iroh, for instance, has a garrison specialty, but if you were to follow his tree specifically for garrison, he would only be at his maximum power while defending your city. My talent trees don’t always focus on a hero’s specialty, and I do this so the hero is strong in all moments, rather than only being a little bit stronger in one kind of scenario.

I will most likely change these talent trees down the line as more heroes are released, and we have enough available heroes to develop certain ones for specific tasks, such as siege and garrison. There are too few available heroes to be doing that just yet.

Drawn-on remaining talents:

So everyone is aware, I don’t have every single hero maxed; therefore, I drew on with gold and blue where I would further continue to unlock talents. Please pretend as if the drawn-on talents are unlocked/activated.

If you still have remaining points, please double-count everything to see where you may have made a mistake (in my talent tree and in yours). There should be a total of 89 points used if you have a maxed hero.

Crossed-out talents:

Another explanation: for talents/talent lines I’ve crossed out with a black “X” and box, please ignore those talents, as those are ones I made a mistake placing and cannot get a talent reset scroll.










What’s the difference between city relocation and territorial relocation?

  • City relocation allows you to move anywhere you have access to, including areas where you can get access via gates.
  • Territorial relocation is for when you want to move to a spot within your alliance territory like strongholds your alliance owns.

How to get gear?

You need to build a Forge. The actual coins to craft gear come from Invasion, spending, and some events. One of the new events should give you 10k for doing Invasion 3 or so times.

The capacity a hero can have depends on what? How can I increase that number?

Increasing your town hall level, hero level, and their talent tree has some talents you can upgrade that allow for an increased defender count.

What is the point of the mayors for the bases? Do they get extra buffs or something?

No, it’s just a way you can trap players in your alliance (only if they don’t know how to remove the title).

How to relocate into a new zone while experiencing the “Cannot Pass Through Because You Don’t Own the Gate” Issue?

Here are a couple of ways to bypass this system message:

  • Find your alliance’s Alliance Fortress and try to relocate next to it or on the same territory/section it is built in. This will only work if your alliance has its fortress built on restored land, meaning the territory it’s built on is fully colored in with your alliance’s primary color. You can also check by clicking on the main base/stronghold in that territory to see if it has 6000 HP or not.
  • Find your alliance leader and try to relocate next to their city.
  • Join a new alliance in the zone you’re already in until you can successfully relocate near your desired alliance.

How to remove an alliance marker?

At the top of your screen where the coordinates are, you can open a menu there with the plus button, and it should be an X or trash can.

If I don’t have enough troops for 2 heroes in the same nation, should I split the benders between them evenly or give the majority to the higher level hero?

If you don’t have enough benders to run double from the same nation, you should still be using 1 hero from a separate element/nation.

In my opinion, the order goes: you start with your march containing 1 hero from different nations (more likely to be Air, Earth, Fire). Then upgrade to 2 Fire, 1 Earth, then you can try running mono-element marches.

How do you select a server when starting?

I do not think you can select one upon starting, but if you click on your profile picture -> Settings -> Leader management -> Create new leader.

How to expand the size of the base?

Your base will expand as you level up, but it depends on the levels. Like, I know it can expand again around level 20s.

Is it worth upgrading all the farms and mines?

I personally do because RSS production is pretty good in this game. But you won’t get much power from it, so you’d be risking the beginner castle skin and slowing yourself down. It’s better to wait until you have the skin for 2.5 million power before focusing on farms and such, which is ironic as refineries provide very good power for that.

How do we turn on shield?

Right under your power strength, there is a little + sign. Click it and you can add different buffs, including shields.

How to get more Crowns?

  • Letting your current territory rack up gold.
  • It collects a certain amount per hour.
  • You can see by looking at the territory tab in your alliance.

How to go across gates?

Join an alliance in the area you’re trying to enter. Relocate next to the alliance leader or onto the restored territory that holds the alliance fortress.

What is TGL and when does it start?

The Greatest Leader event is a power-up event that comes every two weeks. Check your event schedule – if it’s not there, then it’s still more than a week from today.

What’s the best way to get XP as a F2P player?

Missions, hunting skulls, expedition, avatar trail. Some heroes have a tree that increases XP gain from skulls, so you can use them to level up a hero.

What buildings are needed to upgrade the Town Hall?

Requirements for each Town Hall upgrade:

  • Lv 4: Walls
  • Lv 5: Walls
  • Lv 6: Walls
  • Lv 7: Walls & Tunnel of Water
  • Lv 8: Walls & Healing Center
  • Lv 9: Walls & Tunnel of Earth
  • Lv 10: Walls & Warehouse
  • Lv 11: Walls & Tunnel of Fire
  • Lv 12: Walls & Scout
  • Lv 13: Walls & Tunnel of Air
  • Lv 14: Walls & Tunnel of Water
  • Lv 15: Walls & Healing Center
  • Lv 16: Walls & Tunnel of Earth
  • Lv 17: Walls & Warehouse
  • Lv 18: Walls & Tunnel of Fire
  • Lv 19: Walls & Scout
  • Lv 20: Walls & Tunnel of Air
  • Lv 21: Walls & Tunnel of Water
  • Lv 22: Walls & Healing Center
  • Lv 23: Walls & Tunnel of Earth
  • Lv 24: Walls & Warehouse
  • Lv 25: Walls & Tunnel of Fire
  • Lv 26: Walls & Scout
  • Lv 27: Walls & Tunnel of Air
  • Lv 28: Walls & Tunnel of Water
  • Lv 29: Walls & Healing Center
  • Lv 30: Max

Also mind that they have sub-requirements:

  • Tunnel of Water – Farm
  • Tunnel of Earth – Sawmill
  • Tunnel of Fire – Mine
  • Tunnel of Air – Refinery
  • Warehouse – Research
  • Health Center – Altar of Heroes

What is Invasion?

You need to be in an alliance that does Invasion, but it’s that large stone ruin structure that your alliance can build. You face dark spirits for 30 minutes to gain rewards. Just ask your current alliance leader about it.

Is it better to create more T3 or make some T1 and T2 as well?

There’s an upgrade feature, and it should be used heavily. Ideally you want all your benders to be your highest tier unlocked for maximum damage and effect. For comparison: if you were to go against another player with the same level heroes and benders as you, but instead you had a mix of T5, T4, and T3, while the other player had almost all T5 and the rest being T4, they’re going to beat you.

How do you allot troops?

When you go to send a march out and it auto-selects heroes for you, click on them and select a different hero that uses that same element and all the benders should move to that hero, then hit OK and they’ll join your march.

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