Home » BUMP! Superbrawl – How to Build a Team

BUMP! Superbrawl – How to Build a Team

Team Building Guide

Every team must fulfill certain criteria so that there is no unnecessary weak spot. This guide focuses on general build-up and tries to examine the most consistent way to build a team. For specific scenarios there are surely better teams, but for consistency and clarity these criteria are key:


  1. Good and consistent Turn 1. One of your starter-3 needs to have a strong or at least reliable turn 1.
  2. Strong punish on Turn 2. This is usually also someone who has strong punish in general, and in my team, they are the carry. “Punish” means attacking sleeping Heroes or abusing enemy positioning around map events (barrels, mines, minotaur etc.). There are two types of punishers (see below).
  3. Advantage condition. An Advantage condition is a time-based ability that without any input gives you a definitive advantage each game. The most obvious are Hero abilities that are bound by turn (Miss Pele, Baba, Nook). Not so obvious is Dragora; however, after the patch, Dragora was nerfed.
  4. High range Hero. This is very straightforward -> Each team should have at least one character with sufficient range to impact the map at any given time. The game provides enough ranged characters that they can be combined with any of the criteria above.
  5. Carry Hero. Also very straightforward -> One of your heroes should be played every time they are up and take the role of carry. The carry generally deals the most damage but is also one of the first to die. The carry can be combined with any of the criteria above; however, it is usually the punisher (60% of cases).
  6. (Optional but recommended) AFK Hero with map-wide skill. This is a hero that should not die for as long as possible as their skill can be triggered a lot during the match, and they hit most of the time. By just existing, they are effectively giving you an extra action in most turns – examples include Lil’ Reaper, Arjay, Strip. This hero can be combined with any of the criteria above.


  • Top: Turn 2 Hero/Punisher.
  • Mid: Turn 1 Hero.
  • Bottom: Any/Fill.


  1. Minotaur. As simple as it gets – the character is crazy strong and versatile. Put the Minotaur in the substitute slot of the Hero that consistently dies first. This varies from composition to composition, but generally, the Punisher is a good choice.
  2. Izzy. Not as versatile as Minotaur and has a specific role. Put her in the slot of the Hero that consistently dies the least. That is usually the Hero with the lowest moves per game, and if they die, your main force is still on the field. This is also the only scenario in which Izzy displays her true value, but in that scenario, she is OP.
  3. Preference. The last slot is up to preference – my tips for this are: Try not to force a main carry damage dealer in that slot. People tend to think “oh when my carry dies, I don’t have damage and I need a carry on the map at all times”. While that is not a bad thought, it is simply not optimal, as with the current 3-points-to-win-Brawl, a scenario in which all of your substitutes are on the map and you can make a move with them is impossible. Ideally, after your second Hero dies, you already have a clear path to victory within the next move.


With the new patch, each Hero gives a team-wide buff to a certain class. When you have a tough decision between two Heroes, choose the one with the better buff for your team (for your carry ideally).

Do not force a composition around maximizing the team-wide class buffs. It is not worth it. They are a nice addition but not a driving factor.


Punishers can be utility punishers or damage punishers. Utility punishers are generally mages that impact or impair enemies like Baba or Strip. When they have a 100% hit chance, their abilities can shine. Damage punishers are Heroes that can deal strong damage when they hit. Dashers, Ash, most Shooters count here.

Example Team:

  • Position: Hero | criteria fulfilled
  • Top: Petra | 2, 5
  • Mid: Arjay | 1, 4, 6
  • Bottom: Baba | 3 (and 2 when necessary)
  • Substitute Top: Minitaur
  • Substitute Mid: Lil’ Reaper
  • Substitute Bottom: Izzy

Why Can This Work?

Why use Lil’ Reaper as a substitute?

While the starter-3 obviously fulfills all criteria, there’s a slight problem that gets fixed by using Lil’ Reaper as a substitute. Since Baba is played and has an arguably weak active turn (when the player actively moves her), it’s reasonable to assume that active moves will mostly focus on Petra and Arjay. This also means Arjay is likely to die regularly in battles, even though he’s supposed to stay alive as long as possible to make use of his ability. Lil’ Reaper, however, does the exact same job and ensures there’s always a map-wide ability user present, while maintaining a ranged damage dealer role.

Why not use Lil’ Reaper as a starter?

While Lil’ Reaper and Arjay fulfill the exact same role very well and both can be used for turns 1, 4, and 6 – Arjay is the worse substitute but has a slightly more consistent turn 1, which barely puts him in the starter-3 and Lil’ Reaper in the substitute-3.

How do I move my Heroes?

  1. Arjay
  2. Petra (Baba if Petra really can’t do anything)
  3. Arjay or Baba -> Baba Ability
  4. Petra

This perfectly aligns Petra’s turns with free hits to the point where Petra’s ability damage (Dash -> Jumping snake) has a chance to kill multiple enemies in turn 4 because Baba hexed them.

Heroes Level Up

Order that stats increase.

Note: ATK/DSH/BMP/SPW with gold. HP and LVL with shards.

  • 1 -> 2
  • 4 x 100 gold =400
  • 75 shards
  • 2 -> 3
  • 4 x 210 gold = 840
  • 140 shards
  • 3 -> 4
  • 4 x 340 gold = 1360
  • 220 shards
  • 4 -> 5
  • 4 x 550 gold = 2200
  • 340 shards
  • 5 -> 6
  • 4 x 790 gold = 3160
  • 450 shards
  • 6 -> 7
  • 4 x 1100 gold = 4400
  • 600 shards
  • 7 -> 8
  • 4 x 1350 gold = 5400
  • 1000 shards
  • 8 -> 9
  • 4 x 1800 gold = 7200
  • 1300 shards
  • 9 -> 10
  • 4 x 2150 gold = 8600
  • 2100 shards
  • 10 -> 11
  • 4 x 2700 gold = 10800
  • 2700 shards
  • 11 -> 12 (current max lvl)
  • 4 x 3150 gold = 12600
  • 3900 shards
  • Gold Total: 56.960
  • Shards Total: 12.825

Hero Tier List

Note: The order from left to right matters.

  • S-Tiers are very strong regardless of the mode and can fit into any team.
  • A-Tiers are similar, but you can do without them in some teams or modes, as there are sometimes better alternatives.
  • B-Tiers are very good in certain modes/situations (like Rajin, who’s good if the enemies are grouped together, so if the opponent makes mistakes). Baba could be higher just because of her power, which is broken at a higher level, but at my current low level, I can’t see it being very overpowered.
  • C-Tiers are really too situational or have huge flaws. Punzel’s Party Crasher causes her team to lose zone/piece captures – it’s a good push but doesn’t have enough range to apply it properly. Strip (I forget what it’s called, the skeleton) doesn’t have enough movement range, though it has good strengths otherwise. For Arjay, the barrels, his allies, Nook’s blocks, Tuesday’s towers – everything can mess up his arrows and therefore his power, which is quite annoying.
  • D-Tier – my poor Nook, I find you so weak. I know I’m going to win when you’re on the opposing team; it’s incredible how weak you are. Yet you’re so cute – I hope you’ll get buffed.

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One Comment

  1. One of the best strategy right now is to run Méi Hem with Double shot in first slot and powerful combo on second slot I havent reach level 9 with him yet so I don’t know about third slot but once is unlock you can Def make it better and ofc run Kamo for those who havent got him max out yet take advatage of the boost for slot one for Kamo run spawn shot the higher the tier the better second slot u can pick is more like a opcional pick there and third slot I havent gotten there this is mainly for f2p players and low levels as as a third character I suggest Val or Petra to prevent them from attacks and from moving also this build is mainly for VIP Hunt I might will show a lil clip so ya can see how broken it it’s

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