Wizardry Variants Daphne – Abyss Port Town Grand Legion Walkthrough

Abyss Port Town Grand Legion Guide
Ву 11of8.
The walkthrough for the second Abyss is a bit fragmented, and I wanted to streamline it for a first play through, as I’ve recently done so.
There are three factions you can chose, and while you will want to finish all of them, they have little impact on the over-all options you pick to complete each route aside from their initial introduction. This is written from the perspective of taking Aegon the Wise/Princess route, however, it should work for any route. There are some forced requests you need to complete to do any route, however, from the second route on, some of them have a second option you’ll want to do instead.
The first part is going through the abyss until you reach the top deck where the Arena is. The second part is going through the arena fights, most of which need to be done twice in order to proceed. This Abyss is a large step up from Abyss one, with rather long routes that will stress your resource management before you are geared up, with some very deadly forced traps and encounters, and a new, underwater mechanic that can be brutal.
Below are tips that will help you on your journey.
Gameplay Tips
- Being level 40 will help in the later parts of the abyss. One strategy is to stay at level 30 cap as long as possible and/or grind out Undead March Request from Abyss 1 to get to the L40 exp cap and run your grade upgrade to L40. Refer to Grade Up guide.
- Earth Weapons, characters, and spells will make the journey much easier. You will need large amounts of ore, from Earth Den BF1, to upgrade your gear to +10, and you should pick up several weapons and/or armor that are strong against many of the enemies in the abyss.
- While +5 bronze gear will serve through the early to middle parts of the abyss, +10 iron or steel gear will start dropping and should be upgraded whenever you find a good blue or purple 3-4 star gear, hence the Den of Earth runs.
- Learn to alter and refine your gear that you start to upgrade as it is a significant power boost. Save any Full Refinement stones for Ebon Steel weapons from Abyss three (or later for when later abysses are released)
- There’s little need to do any of the requests from the Adventurer’s Guild until you reach the Arena floor and your Cursed Wheel says Arena Fight one. At this point, you’ve progressed to the last floor and can safely cursed wheel if you want to as you won’t have to re-do any of the floors again. If you complete all of the optional requests before you attempt Arena fight one, you should not run into any bugs or progress issues. There are some requests in the Capital city as well, so don’t neglect those either.
- Don’t sell any Sahagin Scales you find until you’re done with the Abyss as they are needed for a quest during the last arena fight and are a rarer treasure chest drop and dispatch reward.
First Abyss Walkthrough
Trade Water Arrival
No story requests are located here. You will encounter your fist set of unlockable doors on this floor. The key will become available to you later in the story and you can come back to collect any chests behind the doors.
2nd District Black Market
No story requests are located here. You will start to encounter Mermaid statues that provide some insight into the story and will become important for your second play through. You will also encounter your first Dragon Statues that have a current flowing from them. Later, you will learn how to turn them off, however, for now, they either block your route or speed you along to their end point. Once you learn to turn them off you can fully explore the floor for treasure.
3rd District – Iron Gates
Your first story request, Mackerel Sandwich, is on this floor, near the beginning, and completing it will allow you to progress through the floor. On your second play through, Rustproof Knife will present itself and is necessary to progress to the true ending on subsequent replays of the Abyss.
The switches will need to be used to explore all of the floor, but you won’t be able to explore everything just yet, due to the dragon statue currents.
Your first scripted battle is on this floor against a Lizard Commander, at the end of the floor. This is a strong enemy with a lot of armor. If you do not have Earth weapons, and your level is not 30, then your best strategy is either to block and use openings or sleep him for double damage on the next attack.
4th District – Boulevard
On this floor, you will encounter a force trap that fills the room with water and locks you in. Make sure you bring several of the strongest healing potions available to you as you’ll take ramping damage with each step you take. You will need to explore four locations in this small room before you can examine the dragon statue and use it to drain the water. Refer to the following map to walk the shortest distance to complete this trap and escape
- Try to walk back the way you came.
- Try to exit at this location.
- Try to exit from the door.
- Examine the statue to learn how to turn it off.

5th District – Sunken City
Here, you will start to encounter flooded rooms, which are very dangerous. While you’ll no longer take damage every step, you cannot cast any magic in a flooded room, and any Sahagin will always go first each round, which can easily kill the MC or a party member. You won’t always be able to lure them out of the water to fight and it’s best to flee an encounter if your melee can’t kill enemies quickly.
6th District – Warehouse
This is the longest room and has your second scripted fight against a very tough enemy called the Oar Collector. There are many flooded rooms/hallways and dragon statues start to corrode and reset very quickly. The camp is the half-way point and it’s advised to progress as far past it as you can so that you can fight the min-boss with as many resources as possible.
Before you fight the boss it is advised to turn off the dragon statue at the far northwest of the map before fighting as it gives you three rounds to use magic before the boss submerges the room for the rest of the fight. If not, it is submerged from the start, making the battle that much harder. Bring earth magic scrolls and as many heal pots as your mages and priests can carry as they will help immensely.
7th District – Pier
There are no enemies here and the side area Sea of the Dead has adventure bones and a quick quest that doesn’t appear to impact anything in the abyss. You’re almost to the end of this abyss!
Lower Deck 1 – Ships Hold
Progress through the map normally as there are no new gimmicks; just harder groups of enemies. Succubus can show up here which are fast, hard hitting, and can charm/suck your SP/MP with their attacks and as such, are a priority target. If you get a group of four, then it’s a good time to use your mages secret art spell. Rickert’s shop is located right next to the Harken on this floor and will be important for the Arena fight section.
Lower Deck 2 – Ships Hold
The final floor with enemies in it, and a brutal story quest that involves three fights in submerged areas that cannot be drained. All three fights must be completed in one floor visit and one fight is against a group of Sahagin. RNG can easily kill two or more of your party at the same time as they will all go first, and all of them can reach the back line. There is no counter to this, so if you run out of resurrections/retries, it’s advised to sit and wait at the resurrection screen until an attempt regens and do this until you complete the fight will no deaths; that or pay a hefty resurrection fee that you might not have (9.6K for L40 characters). If everyone has a Scroll of Gravel, you should be able to kill both rows in one round or you will likely FPW. The other two fights are not nearly as hard but as you can’t use magic, make sure you have some healing pots to heal up, as well as any utility scrolls like the sleep spell if you have any.
This floor is where you can farm chests for 4* iron gear, steel weapons, and water weapons/armor for the Fire Den. No 4*/Purple steel items can drop here but it’s the best place to grind for refinement/alteration stones and money, as well as gearing up for Abyss 3.
Upper Deck – Arena
Congratulations, you made it! There are no enemy encounters on this floor, but the remaining story fights all happen on this floor. Before you Curse Wheel away, make sure you lose the first arena fight and resurrect to re-do it or you’ll have to re-do the Ships Hold again. It’s advised to dismiss your party members and send the MC in only as death is unavoidable. This should unlock Arena Quest 1 at the Curst Wheel, which is a good stopping point farm up gear and levels to 40, if you aren’t already there. You can also do the optional quests at the Adventurer’s guild for gems. Do note that most of them require you to traverse most of a map again, while also doing multiple scripted fights, so gear and levels will make this easier to accomplish. Complete the quests in Port first, then go back to the Capital to continue completing optional quests.
Optional Quests List order for first Play through
- Defend my Shop from Goblins
- Water God Statue Restoration Materials
- Lizardman Raid
- Fisherman Rescue
- Retake Stolen Belongings from Robbers
- Two-Headed Serpents
- Servant and Cargo Delivery
- Complete within the turn time limit and let maids go for a Bondmate.
- Repel Enemy Forces
- Oar Collector Extermination
- Suggest that Ugo become Rickert’s apprentice to trigger the Ugo in the Ships hold bondmate.
- Scorpion Woman Legs and Herb Procurement
- Giant Insect Procurement
- This quest may not have a prompt for when you’ve collected enough. Manually check the request to see if you have enough.
- Minotaur Spare Rib Procurement
- Minotaur will be an encounter in various locations of Lower Deck 2 – Ships Hold. You may need to exit and re-enter the abyss a few times to collect enough of each part.
- Hydra Plant Procurement
- Critical poison cannot be cured except for higher level Latumofis spell (level up by inheriting Marianne).
- Purple Garlic Delivery
- Hold on to this for now and don’t give it to the chef. If it shows up again later at the guild, ignore it.
First Walkthrough – Arena Fights
Note that talking to Giggi the Goblin bookie will sometimes give you key item Knowledge about the fights, but always some tips except Arena Fight 5.
Arena Fight 1
Your first Arena fight is an unavoidable loss and will force you to resurrect just before starting the battle, allowing you to complete some quests/requests that will enable you to beat or survive the fights.
For this battle, dismiss your party and go in and die, the go back and collect your party to complete the following quests:
- Pay money or complete Oar Collector Extermination quest.
- Exterminate Farm Monsters.
- Take the Mimint back to the chef on Ship Hold 2, speak to him again, and select the Mimint Potage to eat. Your opponent will also eat the soup.
- Once both quests are done, you can win the Arena fight one easily
Arena Fight 2
The first part is a normal fight that you must complete. No forced death on the Princess Route. After the fight, you will watch your missing person die, forcing you to reset back to before the second fight.
Find Butch on the Upper Deck Arena floor; he is on the SE side near the stairs.
- Complete the Obtaining Knightquil request
- Trade it for Butch’s explosives
- Re-do Arena Fight 2 and talk to your missing person, who now lives.
Arena Fight 3
Once again, you will die so go in with the MC only. Talk to Pickerel on the Upper Deck arena floor and do the following requests:
- Pickerel’s Report
- Temple Food Assistance
Talk to Pickerel again, before redoing Arena Fight 3.
You must survive three rounds, so defend with everyone. Equipping shields and pre-buffing if you can may help you survive a hit but you’ll likely need to revive a party member each round; hopefully only one per round will die, otherwise, you’ll just have to eat a resurrections at the temple.
Arena Fight 4
Once again, you will die on the first attempt so dismiss your party and enter with the MC only.
Warp to 7th District and Board the ship to go to Lower Deck 1 – Ships Hold.
- Go to the NPC/switch on the middle west of the map.
- Fight him or give him a food voucher.
- Use the switch.
You can also eat Garlic Soup, from the Cook on Lower Deck 2 – Ships Hold for an easier fight but this may bug him for later playthroughs. Go back to the arena and fight Arena Fight 4.
Arena Fight 5
Once again, you will die so go in with the MC only. Speak to Giggi the Bookie if you didn’t before the fight, but he will have no info.
Go to Ricker’s Shop and talk to her.
- Complete the Murder Investigation Request
- Go talk to the chef in Lower Deck 2- Ships Hold
Pick up Holley and talk to NPCs to figure out who to use the Holly on. If correct, Songstress Mairin will be revealed and you’ll fight it. If you pick wrong, you may need to Cursed Wheel back and reset the quest to try again.
Talk to the Under Cook NPC, in the kitchen, to trigger the Adventure Guild request Gathering Sahagin Scales in the Royal capital.
- Sahagin scales are gained from chests in Abyss 2. They are fairly rare though if you farm Ships Hold 2 long enough, you’ll gather them up. They also come from Dispatch Requests as part of the rewards you can obtain. Don’t sell any you find.
- Head back to the other Under Cook NPC and deliver the Comadora Pepper Wreath.
Go back and fight Arena Fight 5.
First Walkthrough – Greater Warped One Fight
You’ll have three options:
- Recovery Items if you gave Melgina the Mackerel Sandwhich
- Rich Treasure – Gives you a key to the treasury room accessed on the middle east of the Arena Deck via a trap door. It is a flooded room that may have an encounter so be careful.
- Battle with the Greater Warped One
No matter which you chose you’ll fight Malgina and won’t be able to revive her once you win. Talk to the missing person you rescued, who should be to your right after the battle.
- They will give you a key item that lets you read more information on the various Mermaid statues scattered throughout Abyss 2.
Go back to the Arena Deck and restore the Greater Harken as well as collecting your treasure if you picked the Rich Treasure option.
- There will be a Team Medium Weapon junk that has a high drop rate for 3-4* one-handed water weapons.
- A Few Sliver of Junk that can drop any Abyss gear with a high chance for 3-4* gear.
Go back to town, watch the cut scene, and receive your faction request reward and a Guiding Light PIE.
First Walkthrough – Epilogue
Optional Adventure Guild Request – Arena Hosted by Avare! Is now available.
You’ll have the option to move on with Abyss 3, from a request at the Capital City Adventure Guild.
You can also re-start the Abyss 2 loop and work towards the true ending by completing each routes, continued in Second Abyss Walkthrough, which will reward with a Guiding Light IQ.