Home » Top Heroes – Helpful Tips You Didn’t Know

Top Heroes – Helpful Tips You Didn’t Know

Useful Tips and Tricks for Beginners

Spend Wisely

There are so many options to get items and much more in the game, lets see few of the options, where you do not have to use your wallet:

  1. Diamond Store.
  2. Arena Points Store.
  3. Guild Store.
  4. Redeem Store.
  5. Guild Vault.

These are the most frequent shopping stores available to a player in the game. There could be other event specific stores popping in from time to time, which are not covered here, since the goods will vary and be event specific and would need some tasks done for it to get points or coins or medals. Those are standalone and let’s not get into that. Not covered are the stores where you can buy items with IRL money. 

Redeem Store (Weekly Refresh)

This is one of the most annoying and highly useless stores for beginners. Here you do not pay with Guild Points or Diamonds or Arena Points. Here you redeem things for other things. And it has an annoying thing, which is very much annoying and not clear at all.

  • Hero (Weekly Refresh): You give Hero shards to get hero shards or Recruitment Tokens.

For sale this week are 2 Groot Shard, which can be bought by giving 10 Priestess shards. But when you click on it, assuming you have 10 Priestess shards, the game will tell you that the exchange can happen after the Star level of Priestess reaches maximum. That is once your Priestess reaches 5 White stars, only after that you can exchange its shards for other hero shards.

  • Relics (Weekly Refresh): You give Relic shards to get Epic and Legendary Universal shards. 
  • Resources (Daily Refresh): You give one resource to obtain another resource. This is the only useful and at times even a game saver part of the store for beginners. I would recommend that you give timber and stone to obtain meat.

Since in early game, there is no Guild Ranch yet (assuming a growing guild) or kingdom ranch also levelled up to sustain quick leveling up of heroes. One can always mine timber and stone from the world map but not meat. So it’s a good practice to do this and since this is a daily refresh, you can have 90,000 meat daily, without doing anything at all. The Magic Thread, Oricalchum and Arcane Crystal can be opened for exchange after your Guild research is done up to third Guild Exchange level, the one after Great Guild III.

Points Store (Weekly Refresh)

This store consists of two sub stores:

  • Arena: Go wins fights in daily Arena and you will get points. Use those points over here to get things. The most important things to get are – Diamonds and Pyro shards. Anything else is not to be bought. Period.
  • Medal: Medals that you earn through specific events or can buy from Guild Honour store, are used here to obtain Troop Skin and some other things. In my opinion, only Troop Skin should be bought and hold back on everything else. Unless you are in a race where every single speedup matters, then you can get those, but ideally leave them be. Usually you will be in a situation such that you might not even be able to buy Troop skin, let alone upgrade its levels in Lords Hall. It would be prudent to save at least 10k medals, to be able to purchase the Troop Skin for the coming next week’s offers.

Heal Soldiers Strategically

When you are playing, you will encounter soldiers needing to spend time in hospital. Part of the game, nothing to worry about. The thing to worry about is how you heal them.

One of the most effective and yet non-utilised ways is Guild Help. Sure you do put soldiers in hospital and press the “help me” icon on top of hospital. But that’s not the way to do it simply. First, lets see what Guild Help does.

As you can read, it will increase the progress by 1%, and if that 1% is less than 1 minute of time, then it will make a minimum of 1 minute of progress in the process.

So that means, if you put up a task and it states about 15 minutes to process, and you press Guild Help, and each help provided by Guild members increases progress by 1 minute, then when you get 15 help, the task should be done. Higher your castle level, more help you can get. 

Taking advantage of this aspect of the game, one should optimally run hospital runs such that time taken is between 15 to 20 mins, so that when you ask for help and 15 to 18 members provide help, soldiers are out of hospital in around 1 to 2 mins approx. 

This is going to be a highly effective strategy when you are dealing with PvP or any sort of war with other players. This is how you heal fast and quick and are not bogged down by a hospital time of 5 to 8 hours or even more.


  • Adjust soldier count such that healing time is between 15 to 20 minutes, depending on how much help u can get at your level. Rinse and Repeat.

Double-Dipping in the Rewards

This is a screenshot from Heroic Achievements. Consider round as a day, from reset to reset. 24 hours, divided by 4 hours, hence 6 tasks in 1 day, of 4 hours duration. Looking at Round 5, (which means day 5 in a week to make it easy to understand), The first event will be starting exactly at reset, lasting 3H45M,  with 15 mins for reward calculation, thus 4 hours per event,  and the next event will start after that and so on. 

  • Eliminate Threats – Kill bosses and mobs on the world map.
  • Hero Development – Tavern recruitment, consuming legendary and epic hero shards.
  • Construction of Territory – Collect chests from buildings.
  • Expand Troops – Soldier training.
  • Research Technology – Again self explanatory. Collect chests from research place.

There are these 5 tasks/events which will keep on repeating in a cyclic manner. Because there are only 5 tasks and the duration in a day is for 6 tasks, 1 task/event will repeat. The one which will be first at reset, will also be the last before the next reset.

DoubleDipping means that doing events/tasks such that it aligns with these daily tasks/events. Which will then let you claim your original rewards for lets say picking building chests, using building speedups AND will also give you rewards from the Heroic Achievements too. These heroic rewards are no slouch either, so worth trying to match the timing with it. 

Unlocking Rewards (Hero, Relics) in Dice and Wheel

Do an event. On the last day, pay diamonds to get all the free rewards, regardless of your status in that event.

In this dice one, the last reward is The Philosophers Stone relic. To get that relic, without having to farm its shards by doing LB runs, 1300 diamonds is what I will have to pay since I have been doing the daily quest and target task in the event and have scored some amount of score. The amount of diamonds to be paid is proportional to task/score pending. More score pending, more diamonds.

Auto Join Rally for Guild Boss

Once the Guild Boss Event starts – you can set auto join for all but one of your queues.

To do this:

  • Click Events.
  • Guild Boss.
  • Auto Join Rally (green arrow next to go).

You will then only have to set a rally for 1 queue.

The auto join only works if you stay online.

Decoration Locations in World

  • Dead Tree: Just after first boss in Barren Basin.
  • Pumpkin Head: A large pumpkin on the ground, after first boss in Plague Lands.
  • Lisanthous: Dark Forest, around boss 2, after Portal 4-3.
  • Fern: Thick Forest, near 2nd boss, just near Portal 3-2.

The location is same for World-1 and World-2.

  • Banyan Tree: Dark Forest, just after Portal 4-4, before the 3rd boss.
  • Mushroom: Wild West, just after 1st boss.

The location is same for World-1 and World-2.

  • Road Sign: Wild West, just after 2nd boss, a nook in the left.

The location is same for World-1 and World-2.

  • White Dots = Chests.
  • Purple = Decor.

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Days for GAR / KvK

  • Day 1: Building.
  • Day 2: Research.
  • Day 3: Rallies, Gathering and Bounties/World Tasks.
  • Day 4: Heroes.
  • Day 5: Training.
  • Day 6: Killing and healing.

Auto Join (without Emptying Your Troops)

In case you guys did not know, here it is. Auto Join without overkill while you sleep peacefully to a lullaby (and not get up at 3 AM for bathroom break and play for 30 mins).

  • Auto join duration is 8 hours from when you start it.

Right now we have everyone’s favorite killer mob boss active – Fake Skeletor (Skeleton Boss – yes I will call it that, do what you will) who really loves your troops.

There is a limit of helping others for 30 times in a reset cycle (known as a game day from now onwards, not your actual calendar day). And you are afraid to keep auto-join on because someone will do level 8-9 and it will fill your hospital a lot, so what now… Here, as you can see, there are 2 checkboxes under auto-join… actually 3…

  1. Common Rally – Participation limit is 50, meaning you will get the reward only for the 50 times you have participated. Check that box, so now you will be auto-joined in common boss rallies. Who is a common boss? The White pig, eagle (right now), tree boss and other such ones are common bosses. These are the ones who don’t hurt you so much.
  2. Event Rally – Skeletor is an Event boss because he doesn’t pop up quite often, and its participation limit is 30 in game day. Check this if you want to take part in Skeletor rallies. If you do not check this box, you will not be joined in its rallies. No more hospital for you. No more complaining in chat about it.
  3. Join Restriction – This is the most important part. Check this box to limit participation in rallies. Now you will only be joined 30 times in Event Rally and 50 times in Common Rally. Thus in the 8-hour auto-join duration, once your 30/50 rally participation count is done, you will join no more.

This does not apply to Guild Boss rallies. That is a different matter altogether.


This section contains helpful infographics and other important information that will be useful for both new and advanced players.

Castle Level Requirements

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Shard Requirement for Legendary & Mythic Hero

New Chests in Adventure Map (Normal Mode)

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