Home » Mo.co – Best Builds / Loadouts

Mo.co – Best Builds / Loadouts

Guide to Builds / Loadouts

Dear players, please note that this is not a Build Rating. This is a collection of the best builds for different situations and playstyles, they do not have 1, 2 or last place.

Semi-Tank / Support Build

More of a concept than a fully fleshed build, pop pills to get Wolf up ASAP and use it to tank. If Wolf is about to die and pills are up, you could consider saving them to get Wolf back faster. Best used in Rift with 2-3 other DPS mains.


  • Wolf aggros on peons instead of boss sometimes.
  • Unable to dodge high damage attacks (the red indicator attacks).

Max Boss Beat DPS Build

Cleared Boss Beat Dojo at Lvl 14 with lvl 12 fists. Try to group the bosses together for max AoE damage. As long as Luna tanks the Smasher, it’s OK to tank the other two yourself, as long as the bosses stay grouped.

Vitamin shot provides about the same amount of DPS as monster taser, and the heal allows more room for error.

Dojo Build

Easiest way to get the dojo challenges. Aggro every mob and then start farming with pepper slow and DMG, the vitamin is for quicker burst with pepper.

Big Papa Build

You need to be Lv 18+ or you lose out on the massive damage (~20k) that the Unstable Lightning passive gives when combined with Multi Shock. Pepper Spray can be swapped with Taser if that is a higher level. Pepper Spray also needs some skill to line up for the full duration since it only gets more DPS because it procs the Unstable Lightning passive.

  • You can do this at Lv 17 without the passive; it’s just harder.
  • Please note the Multi Shock has to be in the rightmost gadget slot.

Strong All Around Hunting Build

Make sure Taser is rightmost to maximize DPS from Portable Portal, and to use Vitamin Booster as often as possible even when not at full health (may vary). If you’re fighting swarms, Explode-O-Matic does the trick. If you’re able to kill at least one enemy in the swarm, the others will create a domino effect, killing the swarm in its entirety.

Snow Globe is just a filler pick because I feel it’s the best of both worlds between single-target DPS and AOE, but can always be switched for Boombox or Rockets. Feel free to critique my build and give any suggestions.

[Boss Beat] Dojo Build

The build I used to finish “Boss Beat” dojo at level 16:

  • Use Luna as your tank. She has A LOT of health and deals crazy damage. If you see the Smasher starts focusing you, run away. Vampire Teeth + Vitamin should let you outheal the DPS of both of the other bosses (forgot their names).
  • Keep throwing yourself at the challenge until you beat it. Don’t give up when the rift corrupts. Luna can still tank for a solid 30 seconds. Keep your distance and you’ll be fine.
  • Around 1.7K power. Still doable 300 power underpowered.

Monster Chase Winning Build

Keep the pepper spray to deal with the summons around the Mega Overlord. Spam rockets as much as necessary. Try to get him with the multi-zap when he is alone, but feel free to use it if necessary. Completed as level 22.

Heavy Hitting Sub 1M Build

Start by gathering up the two groups on the left, then use snow globe to quickly gather the two on the right. Play a bit more defensively than you’d think, try to use Luna as a tank, and spam bombs. Did it at lvl 23, there are probably easier ways.

Best DPS Build

This build offers high mobility – high DPS – high lifesteal – solid character. (You can change the healing circle passive, but the lifesteal and 20% chance damage passive should remain).

Versus Solo DPS / Assassin Build

(Got Brown Belt with This Combo)

Passive heals for keeping alive and passive single target damage for regular fights (currently the zap from gadget damage is unavailable in versus; if it is available for you, then use it). Vitamin Boost for healing / far range burst. When you see someone combo chili + multizap, which can almost one-shot at equal level, be careful.

If someone is using wolf stick / shield ability, just run around until you out-DPS them and kill them.

Tips & Tricks:

  • Basically, you see a red dot on the map, dash + chill onto them across the map and abuse the burst. This is able to reduce more than half the opponent’s HP usually. Please don’t PvE (don’t use abilities on mobs, save them for players).
  • Healing after a fight may be an issue, so you better learn to use dagger to disengage from people chasing you. You can tell which target dagger is locked on as they will be highlighted with a yellow outline.
  • Know when to disengage! If your zapper is on cooldown and the opponent is still on high health, run! Don’t stand there and fight them; you’ll most likely get third-partied or just die. If there are like 3 other people, don’t engage. Same as before, you’ll get third-partied so hard and half the match will already be over.
  • Don’t assassinate wolf builds. Most likely you’ll lock onto the wolf, and if you don’t, then half of multi-zapper zaps the wolf, which as you can imagine sucks. As the original post says, just try to kite the wolf until it dies (or better yet, don’t engage).
  • This is excellent for third-partying fights as you will likely instantly kill the survivor, or you can consider instantly going in even if both sides are still alive to make sure they can’t run.

Immortal Tank Build vs Big Papa

Make sure to taunt the boss and take it into either of the upper corners. This hastens the process of destroying scorcher eggs and also reduces the distance you need to cover once it knocks you back. In the lower corners, there is a chance that BP dashes towards the entrance, which will make it rush to the middle of the map.

Assassin / Flank Versus Build

Make some chip damage at a distance. When your weapon is ready, get close with the dagger, use the buff and do as many lasers as you can, then get back to safety using the dash. Pretty greedy but it’s really rewarding.

Monster Hunting Sub 3 (Possibly Sub 2) Build

Boom box and life jacket to allow you to escape or kill any swarm that blocks you from going invisible. Single target DPS passives are recommended as you want to avoid swarms as much as possible and get rid of them with fireworks (or zapper, whichever has more DPS for your personal case).

Monster hunting is RNG, but this is the best build I could come up with.

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