Home » Lust Goddess – Ultimate Guide to Events + Strategy

Lust Goddess – Ultimate Guide to Events + Strategy

Events Guide

There are a number of different Events in this game. All of them run for a number of days during which you can gain Rewards for completing a number of Tasks.

Global Events

We have the big GlobalEvents that can be found in the top right corner of the screen. These can either be a ‘3 Merc Event’ (3M) or a ‘Choose a Merc Event’ (CaM). Only one of those can be active at the same time.


There are also the Events (mini-Events) at the bottom of the screen. There’s a wide variety of those and most rotate on a fixed schedule. Multiple of these can be active at the same time.

Irregular Events

Every once in a while there are also Events that are hard to predict. One is the chance to buy one of the LegendaryCommanders. This one will appear with the mini-Events at the bottom of the screen. The other one is the WarEcho Event where you can possibly unlock extra Troops for AllianceWar. This one can be found under Alliance > Deals when it’s active.

Seasonal Recruits

Next to all of the above we also have Seasonal Recruits. While these aren’t really Events, they offer the chance to unlock new Mercenaries and will be added here for the sake of completeness.

List of All 3 Mercenaries Events

A summary of all 3 Mercenaries Events that have appear in the game, divided by featured faction and ordered by the first time they appeared (oldest first, newest last).

Mixed Events

  • Newcomer Event – Leta/Billie/Regina

Freemen Events

  1. Hunger Games – Nymeria/Ivy/Zara
  2. Desert Lone Wolf – Rose/Ivy/Salma
  3. Save the Sensei! – Mitsuki/Zara/Hannah
  4. The Heart of the Prairie – Lucretia/Skye/Kayya
  5. Looming Revolt – Wendy/Zara/Kayya
  6. The Hunt for Red Hood – Blanche/Salma/Hannah (old)
    • The Hunt for Red Hood – Blanche/Salma/Asha (new)
  7. Apex Predator – Asha/Billie/Lucretia
  8. The Blood Cult – Thora/Wendy/Rose

Syndicate Events

  1. Solaris Lights – O-Rinn/Scarlett/Ariane
  2. Killer Party – Lorraine/Beck/Regina
  3. Hornet’s Nest – Bea/Sunmi/Eve
  4. Cyber Vendetta – Lilith/Amy/Faye (old)
    • Cyber Vendetta – Lilith/Bea/Faye (new)
  5. Stranger Among Her Own – Morana/Scarlett/Regina
  6. Perfect Assassin – Sixtine/Lilith/Faye
  7. Fatal Attraction – Belle/Sunmi/Eve
  8. Not Gonna Get Us – Arachne/O-Rinn/Madeleine

Peacekeepers Events

  1. Captain in Cyberland – LoLa/Leta/Kitty
  2. Peacekeeping Crisis – Harper/Sharon/Kira
  3. Storm in the Desert – Hilda/Florence/Kira (old)
    • Storm in the Desert – Hilda/Florence/Harper (new)
  4. Missile Crisis – Nicole/Natasha/Kitty
  5. On the Verge of a Knockout – Victoria/Luther/Bloom
  6. Toxic Find – Omega/Ginny/Yumiko
  7. Pirates Among Us – Grace/Florence/Korben


All of the mini-Events are unlocked when you reach League 22. Be warned that, unlike the GlobalEvents, these do not have a cooldown or grace period. Once the mini-Event is over, Rewards can no longer be claimed and whatever currency you had will be lost. All of the mini-Events start and end on 10 am UTC.

These Are the Mini-Events That Run Every Week

  • Miss Fortune: Monday – Wednesday
  • Wheel of Fortune: Wednesday – Thursday
  • Legends: Thursday – Friday
  • Big Score: Thursday – Friday

Next to these there are also mini-Events that alternate every week.

Week A (Odd-Numbered Weeks)

  • Night of Reckoning: Friday week A – Friday week B
  • Credit Craze: Friday week A – Friday week B
  • Daily Bonus: Monday B – Friday week B

Week B (Even-Numbered Weeks)

  • Dangerous Associations: Friday week B – Friday week A
  • Golden Legion: Friday week B – Monday week A
  • Military Exercise: Monday week A – Friday week A
  • Daily Bonus: Monday week A – Friday week A

Irregular Events

These Events are limited chances to unlock special units that are otherwise unavailable. Since these kind of Events don’t follow a fixed schedule (hence the name ‘Irregular Events’) we are never 100% sure when they will appear next. This is one of the reasons why we track when which one has happened, as it helps us in making an educated guess on what to expect next.

One kind of these are the week long Events where a single Legendary Commander becomes available for 4.999 Emerix.

Another one is the WarEcho Event during which it is possible to unlock additional Troops to use in AllianceWar. Please know that at this time, the WarEcho Event is bugged. It is unclear when, or even if, it will return.

Seasonal Recruits

Once a season and also around the holidays, the game will have two kinds of special offers.

One can be found under ‘Shop’ > ‘Recruiting’. It is a special kind of Recruit with the following differences:

  • It is more expensive to use, costing 499 Emerix for a single Recruit. Also, it is not possible to use MicroChips on this. But.
  • It can be used for free once every 24 hours.
  • While normal Recruits can only drop Mercenaries that you already have unlocked, these Seasonal Recruits are able to unlock new Mercenaries for you.

Since the chance to unlock a new Mercenary is rather small, and the Recruit is rather expensive, it is our advice to stick to the free uses of these Recruits.

Next to these, there will also be three special offers that can be found under ‘Deals’. Through these offers one can buy one of featured Legendary Mercenaries. Please be warned that these offers can not be bought with in-game resources, only with real money. The main advantage of these offers is that they provide (usually) strong and useful Mercs (as well as some Credits and Emerix) at a better price/resource than regular offers.

Strategies for Events

Here is some information about each mini-event, and a bit of strategy on each. Work in progress!

General Information

  • For the events that have a leaderboard, the placements will always give the higher reward if there is a tie.
  • There seems to be hidden matchmaking for the leaderboard, which means that if you do well in the leaderboard for a particular event, the next leaderboard for that event will place you with others who also did well.
  • Leaderboards are private to you; that means that if player X appears on your leaderboard, you may not necessarily appear on player X’s leaderboard; but their leaderboard points does match with what they actually have.

Miss Fortune

  • Currency: Talers.
  • Rewards: Legendary and epic mercenary points, exo-bonds, purple recruitment chips, credits, more talers.

Event Mechanics

Each run consists of multiple rounds. Each round, you choose one of four face-down cards, each containing a different reward. The first four rounds are free; after that, “red skull” cards will appear in one of the four cards that ends your run if you pick one. The chance of each card is not 1/4; skulls become more probable even though visually they appear on 1/4 cards. Each run can be ended early by clicking collect, or when you reach the end (30 rounds), where you will get a large final reward. The 30 rounds are split over 4 tables, where each table contains higher rewards and higher risk of red skulls.

100 Talers are consumed to start a run; you get 100 free talers per event. Talers can also be spent to continue your run if you hit a “red skull”, increasing in cost each skull you skip over (starts at 50, then 150, 250, etc.).


Yes, placement is the sum of all rounds you’ve taken over all your runs. The top 3 get legendary mercenary points, as well as credits and recruitment chips.


Don’t get greedy; if you have a good amount of rewards, just finish the run; many people stop at 4/5 rounds. If you get 100 talers it is enough for a second run; generally collect and restart when you are there. You can also gamble for leaderboard ranking by sacrificing your rewards (if they are mostly credits for example) to maximize rounds completed.

Wheel of Fortune

  • Currency: Purple tokens.
  • Rewards: Purple recruitment chips, Emerix, credits, and Yellow Tokens to purchase legendary mercenary points from the Wheel of Fortune store.

Note that this event is only available after you have made a purchase with real money in the game.

Event Mechanics

You will get 10 quests in the “Hunting Legends” tab that you can do concurrently. Each will reward 20 Purple Token for a total of 200 free Purple Token; more can be bought from the “Best Deals” tab.

You can spin the Wheel of Fortune for 50 Purple Token, thus netting you a maximum of four free spins per event.

Any yellow tokens can be spent in the “Shop”, with the lowest amount being 150. The Shop’s legendary mercenary points scale based on your maximum league. 75 yellow tokens can be spent to refresh the legendaries in the shop.


Yes. Placement is the number of yellow tokens you earned. Rewards for top three are recruitment chips, credits and legendary mercenary points.


For F2P, complete at least 5 quests and see if your first two rolls net some yellow tokens (or 8 quests/3 rolls). If not, consider not wasting resources to finish all ten, which will cost you emerix or chips. Otherwise, push for 150 tokens, which may not happen every event.

For paying players, this is generally considered the best event to get mercenary points, as you can target a specific mercenary to buy. Try to get as high of a league as you can before you do so to maximize returns.

Legends / Premium Shop

  • Currency: Emerix.
  • Rewards: Legendary mercenary points, Emerix, Credits.

Event Mechanics

A simple shop where you can buy legendary mercenary points for Emerix. Lowest cost is 300 Emerix; shop refresh costs 100 Emerix. Mercenary points are based off your highest league achieved. A “Special Quests” tab where you get some emerix and credits back for spending emerix. These quests track simultaneously; So to complete the “Spend 300” and “Spend 600” quests, you only need to spend a total of 600.




Can be useful if you have spare emerix, as it allows you to target a specific mercenary. Note that the “Spend Emerix” quests are not tied to the shop; you can spend Emerix elsewhere and still complete the quests here.

Big Score

  • Currency: Silver Talers.
  • Rewards: Legendary mercenary points, Emerix, Purple recruitment chips.

Event Mechanics

Each run consists of 10 rounds. Each round, choose from four cards, containing legendary mercenary points, Emerix, purple recruitment chips or a reward multiplier. Reward multipliers double, triple, or rarely 5x the current rewards you’ve pulled.

There are 7 free rounds, and you must pay to get those rewards, as well as unlock the last three rounds. You can play (or rather, preview) three runs for free.




Don’t bother playing at all if you are committed to F2P. If you are willing to pay, see what your rewards look like at round 7. Only spend if you are happy with those rewards (generally, if you have hit a good mercenary and subsequently, at least a couple of reward multipliers); the last three rounds are not guaranteed to give you reward multipliers.

Night of Reckoning / Dangerous Associations

  • Rewards: Exobonds.

Event Mechanics

10 Quests of varying tasks, each giving 150 exobonds on completion. Each quest is sequential, so only the active quest will track progress.




Hold off claiming the exobonds to finish heli-race “Get X exobond” quests. Some quests are easier to do, and 3 or 4 can be chained together. Plan ahead and save chains for faster heli quest completion. The 8th quest of Night of Reckoning requires you to recruit 5 times – generally not worth doing this (and the following two quests) unless done in conjunction with another event step.

Credit Craze

  • Rewards: Credits, Exobonds.

Event Mechanics

Spend credits to get credits and exobonds as reward, simple! These quests track simultaneously.




The credit reward is basically a partial refund for your credits spent. Don’t try to finish these every week as you’ll quickly run out of credits! You can always finish some in a pinch to finish other quests that require you to spend or find credits.

Golden Legion / Military Exercise

  • Rewards: Exobonds (both events), Emerix (Military Exercise only).

Event Mechanics

Quests (simultanous progress tracking) to level up legendaries (Golden Legion) or other various level-up or modification tasks (Military Exercise). Leveling up commanders count. The commanders’ rarity and faction are:

  • Ethan: Rare, Peacekeeper
  • Rachie: Rare, Freemen
  • Melissa: Rare, Syndicate
  • Ceres: Rare, Syndicate
  • Roxie: Legendary, Freemen
  • Gia: Legendary, Syndicate
  • S0lt: Legendary, Syndicate
  • Alexa: Legendary, Peacekeeper
  • Wanda: Legendary, Syndicate




Combo these quests with level-up heli-race quests. Military event is more worthwhile than Golden Legion. Only do Golden Legion occasionally, if ever, if you can finish all quests for the maximum number of exobonds.

Daily Bonus

  • Rewards: Exobonds.

Event Mechanics

Simply check in every day to claim 75 Exobonds!

New Commander / Commander’s Path

  • Rewards: Up to 200 Emerix and 1800 Exobonds.

Event Mechanics

Allows you to buy a legendary commander for 4999 Emerix. This happens about once a month; for a record of which commanders appeared when. Win up to 50 times with this commander to get the full rewards. You can do these quests regardless of if you just bought the commander or if you already own them.


  • Currency: Digital Cards.
  • Rewards: TurboCores, Neocubes, Apex, new Alliance War troops.

Event Mechanics

10 concurrent quests that reward 30 Digital Cards each; the War Echo roulette costs 100 Digital Cards to spin once. F2P players can therefore get 3 free spins. Rewards scale based on War Spoils roulette level, except for the new troops which has a fixed chance.

If a new troop is obtained, its spot on the roulette is replaced by the TurboCore of that troop’s corresponding type (plane, tank or mech). 150 spins guarantees a new legendary troop, but requires the player to purchase a lot of Digital Cards.


Yes. Placement is based on total Digital Card obtained (including bought). The top 3 get legendary mercenary points, as well as credits and recruitment chips.


Most people just get the 3free spins. Good event for whales who want to grow because there is no limit for the amount of digital cards they can purchase.

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