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Lust Goddess – Guide to HeliQuests

HeliQuests Guide

Ву OxKing.

In this Guide you can find:

  • Which kind of HeliQuests can appear and where they do so.
  • The requirements to complete each HeliQuest.
  • The Rewards they will give you, and.
  • Some thoughts on each kind of HeliQuest.


This information will always be presented in the same format:

Where can they appear?

1. <Do x> of what the HeliQuest requires you to do
-- <Do x> where x is the specific number of things to do. / The time you have to complete this HeliQuest. / The number of TopGear + Magnetron you will receive for completing this HeliQuest

A short reflection on how and when to best complete this kind of HeliQuest.


  • If you see <Do (LD)> then that means that there is no fixed value for this HeliQuest, but it will instead scale with your League. These are “LeagueDependant” (=LD).
  • There can still be different variations of these HeliQuests. The later ones will require you to do more of the thing but will also give out more Rewards.

Please also note that Alliances that do better in the HeliRace will more often get the higher (more difficult) variations of the HeliQuests.

About the Rewards

All HeliQuests will give two type of Rewards:

  • TopGear: These can be used in the HeliMarket to buy fun stuff. TopGear is tied to your account and will stay with you even if you switch Alliances. The Rewards you can buy in the Helimarket are the following:
    • LegendaryPoints (amount is determined by your MaxLeague);
    • SuperDiesel and Apex (amount is always the same);
    • TurboCores and Neocubes (amount is determined by your WarSpoils level).
  • Magnetron: These are added to the Magnetron that your fellow Members have gained, and this total sum will determine how far your HeliRacer gets. The further it goes, the more HeliCrates every Member in the Alliance will receive. Magnetron is an Alliance resource and will not follow your account if you switch Alliances. It will also disappear once the HeliRace is over.

Sections of the Quest Menu

Not every kind of HeliQuest can appear everywhere in the Quest menu. Each is limited to a certain section. These sections are shown in the following screenshot:

Overview of the HeliQuests

A) Match Quests

1. <Kill x> (Peacekeepers, Freemen, Syndicate, Melee or Ranged) mercenaries:
-- <Kill 5> / 2 hours / 25 TopGear + 25 Magnetron
-- <Kill 10> / 2 hours / 40 TopGear + 30 Magnetron
-- <Kill 15> / 4 hours / 55 TopGear + 35 Magnetron
-- <Kill 20> / 4 hours / 70 TopGear + 40 Magnetron
-- <Kill 25> / 4 hours / 85 TopGear + 45 Magnetron

Excellent if you are farming. Still good even if you are just refilling CrateSlots. Easiest ones are Melee, Peacekeepers (most Modules are Peacekeepers and Roxie’s Boxes count as well), and Ranged (if you have LoLa).

2. <Win x> Matches:
-- <Win 2> / 8 hours / 50 TopGear + 50 Magnetron
-- <Win 4> / 8 hours / 70 TopGear + 60 Magnetron
-- <Win 6> / 12 hours / 90 TopGear + 70 Magnetron
-- <Win 8> / 16 hours / 110 TopGear + 80 Magnetron
-- <Win 10> / 20 hours / 130 TopGear + 90 Magnetron

Okay if you are farming. The later ones give less Rewards per Match than the previous HeliQuest but are still easy enough to complete.

3. <Deal x> damage to an enemy Commander:
-- <Deal LD> / 2 hours / 75 TopGear + 75 Magnetron

Excellent no matter the circumstances. Does not depend on the opponent, is usually quickly completed, and gives the most Reward per Match.

B) Various Quests (Part 1)

1. <Get x> Exo Bonds
-- <Get 600> / 1 day / 100 TopGear + 100 Magnetron
-- <Get 900> / 1 day / 150 TopGear + 150 Magnetron
-- <Get 1.200> / 1 day / 200 TopGear + 200 Magnetron
-- <Get 1.500> / 1 day / 250 TopGear + 250 Magnetron

Always wait with collecting ExoQuests until you can get one of these. If you’re a little short, they all last for a day, so you can accept one and complete it on your next daily session. Do not push for these.

2. <Use x> Exo Bonds
-- <Use 600> / 1 day / 100 TopGear + 100 Magnetron
-- <Use 900> / 1 day / 150 TopGear + 150 Magnetron
-- <Use 1.200> / 1 day / 200 TopGear + 200 Magnetron
-- <Use 1.500> / 1 day / 250 TopGear + 250 Magnetron

Same as previous HeliQuest: wait with spending ExoBonds until you can get one of these. Unlike the previous HeliQuest, here it does not make sense to wait. They last for a day but should be completed within minutes.

3. <Open x> Crates from winning Matches:
-- <Open 2> / 1 day / 50 TopGear + 50 Magnetron
-- <Open 4> / 1 day / 100 TopGear + 75 Magnetron
-- <Open 8> / 1 day / 200 TopGear + 100 Magnetron

Nice way to start your gaming session. The last one is best picked up by Members who have all 8 CrateSlots. A f2p Member who just pops by to refill their CrateSlots could also take the last one if there are no other HeliQuests available that could be completed in the time they are online.

B) Various Quests (Part 2)

4. <Get x> (Peacekeepers, Freemen or Syndicate) mercenary points
-- <Get (LD)> / 3 hours / 75 TopGear + 75 Magnetron
-- <Get (LD)> / 3 hours / 100 TopGear + 100 Magnetron
-- <Get (LD)> / 3 hours / 125 TopGear + 125 Magnetron
-- <Get (LD)> / 3 hours / 200 TopGear + 200 Magnetron

These ones can be a bit tricky. 3 hours is not an awful lot of time so you will need to plan for these a bit.

The easiest ones are those that have the same faction as the currently active 3Merc Global Event. Some of those Mercs will be featured and enjoy a x2 Modifier when dropped from Crates, and you can get more MercPoints through the EventRoulettes.

Modifying does also work, but is best left for when you have a Quest to do so. This will either be during a Global Event Quest or during Military Exercise.

5. <Spend x> Credits
-- <Spend 5.000> / 1 day / 50 TopGear + 50 Magnetron
-- <Spend 10.000> / 1 day / 100 TopGear + 75 Magnetron
-- <Spend 15.000> / 1 day / 150 TopGear + 100 Magnetron
-- <Spend 20.000> / 1 day / 200 TopGear + 125 Magnetron

Spending Credits means leveling up Mercs, so get one of these when you need to do so for a Quest somewhere else in the game.

Accounts with lots of low leveled Mercs will best wait for one where they need to level up a lot. Accounts with high leveled Mercs can probably do either of these with a single level up, so a DailyQuest can be used most of the time.

6. <Get x> Credits
-- <Get 10.000> / 1 day / 75 TopGear + 75 Magnetron
-- <Get 25.000> / 1 day / 125 TopGear + 100 Magnetron
-- <Get 100.000> / 1 day / 250 TopGear + 200 Magnetron

While the first one can still be done through the BattlePass, the other two are best combined with a Quest to spend Emerix and then buy the Credits at the Shop.

7. <Spend x> Emerix
-- <Spend 100> / 1 day / 150 TopGear + 100 Magnetron
-- <Spend 300> / 1 day / 300 TopGear + 200 Magnetron

Only do these if you also have another Quest to spend Emerix.

C) Collect and Level Up Quests (Part 1)

1. <Get x> Rare mercenary points
-- <Get (LD)> / 1 day / 75 TopGear + 75 Magnetron
-- <Get (LD)> / 1 day / 80 TopGear + 75 Magnetron
-- <Get (LD)> / 1 day / 85 TopGear + 75 Magnetron
-- <Get (LD)> / 1 day / 90 TopGear + 75 Magnetron
-- <Get (LD)> / 1 day / 95 TopGear + 75 Magnetron

Easier to complete than HeliQuest B/4 since the faction does not matter and you have a full day to find the necessary Points. On the other side it also does not give a lot of Rewards. Best to get this one when you plan to open RareCrates in your BattlePass, EventPass, or the last two WeeklyQuestCrates.

2. <Get x> Epic mercenary points
-- <Get (LD)> / 1 day / 100 TopGear + 100 Magnetron
-- <Get (LD)> / 1 day / 125 TopGear + 125 Magnetron
-- <Get (LD)> / 1 day / 150 TopGear + 150 Magnetron
-- <Get (LD)> / 1 day / 175 TopGear + 175 Magnetron
-- <Get (LD)> / 1 day / 200 TopGear + 200 Magnetron

Same as above, but this time you can also rely on Modify to get the necessary MercPoints. Same as HeliQuest B/4, if you will Modify, best to do so when a Quest somewhere else in the game asks for this.

Buying these MercPoints in the ExoShop is also an option if completing one of these HeliQuests gives more Rewards then any available HeliQuest to spend ExoBonds.

3. <Get x> Legendary mercenary points
-- <Get (LD)> / 1 day / 150 TopGear + 150 Magnetron
-- <Get (LD)> / 1 day / 200 TopGear + 200 Magnetron
-- <Get (LD)> / 1 day / 250 TopGear + 250 Magnetron
-- <Get (LD)> / 1 day / 300 TopGear + 300 Magnetron
-- <Get (LD)> / 1 day / 350 TopGear + 350 Magnetron

Same as above, but this time you can also rely on the Global Events for finding large quantities of these MercPoints. To do so, you do have to save up your Tokens and wait with spinning the Roulette until you get one of these HeliQuests.

C) Collect and Level Up Quests (Part 2)

4. <Level> your (Peacekeepers, Freemen, Syndicate, Melee or Ranged) mercenaries <up x> times
-- <Level-up 5> / 4 hours / 100 TopGear + 75 Magnetron
-- <Level-up 10> / 4 hours / 125 TopGear + 100 Magnetron
-- <Level-up 15> / 4 hours / 150 TopGear + 125 Magnetron
-- <Level-up 20> / 4 hours / 175 TopGear + 150 Magnetron

Best done when you have a Quest somewhere else in the game that asks to level up these Mercs. Popular choices are Credit Craze and Military Exercise.

5. <Level> your Rare mercenaries <up x> times
-- <Level-up 5> / 4 hours / 100 TopGear + 75 Magnetron
-- <Level-up 10> / 4 hours / 125 TopGear + 100 Magnetron
-- <Level-up 15> / 4 hours / 150 TopGear + 125 Magnetron
-- <Level-up 20> / 4 hours / 175 TopGear + 150 Magnetron

Same as HeliQuest C/4.

Military Exercise is preferred because leveling up Rare Mercs usually costs less Credits than leveling up Epics or Legendaries.

6. <Level> your Epic mercenaries <up x> times
-- <Level-up 4> / 4 hours / 100 TopGear + 75 Magnetron
-- <Level-up 8> / 4 hours / 125 TopGear + 100 Magnetron
-- <Level-up 12> / 4 hours / 150 TopGear + 125 Magnetron
-- <Level-up 16> / 4 hours / 175 TopGear + 150 Magnetron

Same as HeliQuest C/4.

Credit Craze is preferred because leveling up Epic Mercs usually costs more Credits than leveling up Rares.

7. <Level> your Legendary mercenaries <up x> times
-- <Level-up 3> / 4 hours / 100 TopGear + 75 Magnetron
-- <Level-up 6> / 4 hours / 125 TopGear + 100 Magnetron
-- <Level-up 9> / 4 hours / 150 TopGear + 125 Magnetron
-- <Level-up 12> / 4 hours / 175 TopGear + 150 Magnetron

Same as HeliQuest C/4.

Here it is best to wait for Golden Legion because it is the quickest way to complete a lot of ExoQuests. These can then be collected when HeliQuest B/1 is available and then spend with HeliQuest B/2.

Military Excercise is still a good place to get this HeliQuest. Credit Craze only if the situation demands it.

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