Lust Goddess – Beginners FAQ

New Players Q&A
Where to Play
Where can I play the game?
As of now, the game can be played on the following clients:
- Official site/apk
- (Browser/Android)
- (Browser/Android)
- (Browser/Android/iOS)
- EroLabs (Browser/Android/iOS)
- Steam
Are there any differences between the different clients?
In terms of gameplay there aren’t any real differences. A Match on Steam will play out the same way as it does on the website, and an Event will have the same difficulty on Nutaku and on EroLabs.
However, there are some small differences:
- All clients use a different payment methode.
- Official website is experimenting with ads to speed up Crates (not all accounts on there have access to it yet), and it is very unlikely that something like that will ever get introduced on the other clients.
- Nutaku client has daily free NutakuGold (their in-between-currency, essentially free money) which you can save up to buy something like a $1 deal after a month or so, without ever spending real money. It also regularly has deals that give out bonus NutakuGold when you buy some (again, essentially free money). This makes it a pretty friendly client for both f2p accounts as well as those that wish to spend on this game.
- EroLabs: This client seems to receive less support than the other clients. Some features are missing and there are currently no plans to implement them. An incomplete list of missing features includes: no Alliance logo during Matches, as well as no way to view the opponents profile (for example to check their Squad); no Country Leaderboard country; and no flags or locations on player accounts.
- Steam accounts can still buy the Florence Mascot, while others could only get that one during the first month of the game. Steam is also the only client without a mobile option for the game.
I started an account on browser, can I play on mobile?
You can as long as you stay within the same client (see list in previous ask). So if you started an account on Nutaku browser, you can keep playing that same account on Nutaku mobile (Android/iOS).
Steam is the only client that currently doesn’t support a mobile version.
I started an account on client X. Can I transfer that account to client Y?
Sadly accounts can’t travel across clients. If you, for example, start an account on EroLabs, then there is no way to play that account on
Codes and Referrals
What exactly is the referral system?
A player (the referrer) may share their profile ID (accessible by clicking your profile at the upper right corner of your main screen) to up to three other new players (referees). The referee enters the referrer’s profile ID as a PromoCode. The referee must be between leagues 27 and 30.
Referees will get an immediate reward; referrers will get rewards based on the maximum league that the referees reach, up to league 16.
I have a PromoCode. Where can I enter it?
Starting from the main screen:
- First go to your account info (upper left corner) and then click on the tab called ‘Promotional Codes’ (right side of the screen).
- You can enter the codes there.
Why can’t I see the current Global Event?
To be able to join the current Global Event, you need to meet a couple of requirements. These are (1) having already been in League 24 at least once, and (2) no longer be in the Newcomers Event (featuring Regina/Billie/Leta) or in the 24 hour cooldown period that follows it.
In most cases when we receive this question, the Newcomers Event (or the cooldown following it) was still active. Once that timer runs out, you’ll be able to join the rest of the game in the current Global Event.
The Newcomer Event is really hard. How are we supposed to complete this?
Well, we aren’t. All Global Events are difficult and take months of saving up on resources (and even then a fair bit of luck) to complete. Since the Newcomers Event is only available for brand new accounts who have not yet had the chance to save up resources (Emerix, MicroChips and MercPoints), it is considered impossible to beat. Unless you’re willing to pay thousands of dollars, but we do kinda advise against that.
For now, just look at the Newcomers Event as a training ground. It’s the best place to make your first mistakes and learn from them (mostly to wait before you do something – like spinning a Roulette – until you reach an Event node that asks you to do just that). Work through it on your own pace and see if you can beat Chapter 1. If you can do that, you’re already on the right track.
And once you get stuck, don’t try to force your way through. Remember: saving up resources is a very important part of this game. Just go with the flow and enjoy your time playing!
I don’t see how we can complete a Global Event without paying. It’s impossible, right?
It is hard, I agree, but not impossible!
- You can’t complete an Event on a brand new account. To go all the way, you need a decent reserve of Emerix and MicroChips, as well as already having (most of) the featured Mercs with a large amount of MercPoints available on them. It usually takes a couple of months to collect all of that.
- A full BattlePass does help wonders as it is an excellent reserve with plenty of resources. But because there’s an Event every week and the BattlePass takes three weeks to complete, you won’t be able to count on that every Event. It’s one of the reasons that, as a f2p account, you can only complete every 3rd or 4th Event.
What is CaM? Why do people keep talking about it?
There used to be a Global Event called “Choose a Mercenary”. Kind of like the “3 Mercs” Events we have right now, but instead of doing quests to get any (or all) of three featured Mercs, we could choose whoever we wanted from a single faction and do tasks to get legendary points of that mercenary only.
People miss this event as it was a targeted way, especially for F2P accounts, to strengthen your current squad.
How many gems are needed to complete the event at 100%?
It depends on your league, whether you have crate slots, and how active you are. Also, you can use recruit chips in lieu of gems, as the easiest route is 20 recruit chips + 50k.
Playing optimally (including appropriate prep):
- For a player with 8 slots, L10-L7 and highly active, about 500 gems on average alongside a net use of 12 chips (but require 19 at start, just that you get a refund on completion).
- For a player with 4 slots, L10-L7 and highly active, about 2k gems on average. Also the chips.
- Each league below L10, expect +150, down to L13, where it’s then +250.
- Less active = less tokens from crates = more you need to make up with gems. The above assumes a minimum of 16 hours of crate churning a day; each hour less per day will cost 320-640 gems more on average (fewer if fewer slots).
- Chips can be replaced with gem equivalent, about 129 per chip.
You can do the math for your own situation.
Event Rotation / Schedule
Click to enlarge…

How to finish the 50,000 red tokens event path?
- In general, if you have 8 crate slots and are very active, you can get about 5k tokens a day between bosses and crates. With 4 slots, about 4k. On average, you can get one token drop out of 4-5, so you need about 20k tokens to get 25k of progress.
- With that, being 20k away with 2 days left is probably not going to be enough unless you get really lucky. Though if you are willing to spend gems… keep in mind that you can spin the roulette for gems and that does count toward tokens spent. It’s 3 tokens per gem, so technically you can “buy” 10k tokens with the 3500 gems you would be willing to spend and force it through that way, and that would be roughly enough.
- Refreshing the 450 boss a few times could also be worth it, though you need to include the cost of the stamina (or the reduced income from bosses not farmed) in that. Generally, refreshing it until it costs 108 is probably worth it. This would give you more tokens than the 3:1 exchange rate noted above, thus reducing the amount of gems required.
- For future reference, to complete the event, you really should aim for reaching the 50k node with 4 days left on the clock and get to 25k/50k (if you have 8 slots) or 30k/50k (if you have 4 slots) by the end of that day. To get more tokens, you should try to do both sides of most optional paths, only skipping the ones that ask you to spend tokens (see guides on how). And then, refresh bosses as needed.
Getting Stronger
Help, I am stuck at League XX!
You can try to optimize your squad; play around with substituting mercenaries in and out of your squad. Ask yourself: which mercenaries do not have good impact, or seem to sit dead in my hand for multiple turns? Which mercenaries do I have trouble dealing with? Adjust your deck that way.
But all that will only get you so far. In the end, the level of your squad matters a lot when you are trying to improve your League.
This game is one of patience. Save up resources and only spend them when it is the best time to do so. Alternatively you can always take a shortcut and spend some money!
Why should I join an Alliance? Can’t I play solo?
Because being part of an Alliance provides many benefits that you can’t get any other way. You could get them by creating an Alliance for your own, but being in a bigger Alliance will make getting Rewards way easier than trying to do all of it on your own.
Now, for the actual content, there are three major things that you cannot have without being part of an Alliance:
- HeliRace.
- AllianceWar.
- AllianceBonuses.
The first two (HeliRace and AllianceWar) don’t really focus on your Squad. It’s a bit of a separate game and you don’t have to go hard on them if you don’t want to. I do think they’re fun though. But, even though their main focus is on the side game, you can get some useful stuff out of them for your Squad.
Doing the HeliRace can give you a lot of extra MercPoints at the end of each week, and the TopGear you earn for doing those Quests can also buy LegendaryPoints and Apex. Only do so if you’re really not interested in AllianceWar though. If you are, those are kind of a trap.
The Alliance War gives a chance to win WarBonds, with which you can spin the WarSpoils Roulette. Most is Rewards to get even better at AllianceWar, but there’s also stuff like LegendaryPoints, Emerix and MicroChips in there.
And lastly, the Bonuses. Oh, you do want access to those Bonuses. You need to Modify, Boost, or level up a Merc? Pop a Bonus and do it cheaper. Want Crates to open up faster? Pop a Bonus. Want extra Attack on all your RangedMercs? Pop a Bonus! Want some extra Health on you Commander? You’re not going to believe me, but pop that Bonus!
All in all, being part of an Alliance is a great way to get more stuff that you can’t get in any other way, so give it a try!
What is a Reboot and when should I do it?
A Reboot is basically resetting your Merc to level 1 but with an increase in their base stats. Pretty often one of their skills will also receive a boost when you do this. These bonuses are permanent and don’t cost you anything.
So is it clever to Reboot a Merc?
For Common/Rare/Epic, it generally doesn’t matter, since we only use our Legendaries to fight in Matches. One exception for the Epics is when you want to pick the branch in 3Merc Events that will ask you to have x Reboots between the featured Epics.
It does have some other uses, mainly as a way to do a couple of cheap level-ups, or as a means to influence the drop rate of certain Mercs, but that’s a subject for another post.
- For the Legendaries, it kinda depends from Merc to Merc if and when it’s best to Reboot.
- Rule of thumb is that you don’t want to Reboot unless you can get a Merc back to the same level of Power.
- For the first Reboot, that happens pretty much the moment you Reboot, so the first one is a freebie.
- After that it will involve some math.
How many cards do I need to reach level XX/Reboot XX?
For example, if you want to get to Reboot 3 (R3), add up the cumulative costs for the R0, R1 and R2 level ups. Legendary R7 costs are the same as R5 and R6. Remember the credit cost as well as the card cost!
Note there are four tables, a different one for each card rarity.

What should I spend my Emerix on?
Best investment for Emerix in the long term is saving up and get a LegendaryCommander.
These become available for 4.999 Emerix every once in a while and are a pretty major boost to your account.
Second place goes to the Events. Having a large reserve of Emerix makes it easier to complete an Event and get large amounts of LegendaryPoints which can once again help you tremendously.
All other investments are pretty situational.
In case you quickly need to spend a couple of hundreds, going to Alliance>Deals and getting a couple of those is popular choice. Other options are refreshing EventBosses, speeding up Crates, and/or refreshing HeliQuests.
What should I spend real money on?
There is a lot in this game that can be bought with real money. To keep this answer from being several pages long, we will assume a moderate spender with a budget of about $100. Within that budget, these are the best investments you can make.
- Buying extra CrateSlots. The rest doesn’t even come close. More CrateSlots means you’ll be able to do more Matches per playing session, which helps in completing Quests, most importantly the HeliQuests. The first extra CrateSlot costs $5, second one $10, third $20, and it’s $50 for the last one. So $85 in total. The Rewards you get with them do scale by your MaxLeague (furthest you’ve ever gotten), so it’s best to wait with the last two a little until you’re a bit further in the game.
- One other deal might be worth it, and it’s the $1 package with a Legendary. Those are only available for accounts that haven’t made any purchases yet, so you might want to wait a little with buying your first CrateSlot until you get one of those. The most generous $1 Deals are those available under ‘Deals’ during SeasonalRecruits.
- Next best thing is the BattlePass Premium ($20). Once again, the Rewards scale with your MaxLeague, but this time when your BattlePass started. They won’t get better if you go to the next League halfway through. So don’t buy the first BattlePass Premium. From the second one on, whenever you feel like you’ll be able to complete the BattlePass, buy it at the very start. I do say at the very start, because once bought, it’ll automatically open ever PremiumCrate that can be unlocked. Buying it at the start makes sure that you can choose and pick what to open when.
- There’s also the MonthlyCard that is pretty interesting. It gives out the most Emerix per dollar spent.
Everything else you can pretty much ignore if you want to stay within the $100 budget.
When do the Commanders change their outfit?
Commander outfits change at level 11, 41, 91 and 121.
At every outfit change they’ll reveal a bit more of themselves. Currently there is no option to revert these changes. So unlike the regular Mercs, who we can put back into previous outfits, the Commanders will always show the most revealing outfit that you have unlocked.
Where can I get a Legendary Commander?
Every once in a while (roughly once a month) there is a special Event where one of the Legendary Commanders becomes available for 4.999 :Emerix: . During this time there will also be Quests to win Matches with that one Commander. Completing these offer a chance to earn back a small portion of those Emerix. These Quests are also available for those that bought the same Commander at an earlier time.
I can’t buy some of the Troops for Alliance War. It says something about a War Echo Event?
At the moment the War Echo Event is bugged and will not appear until devs can figure out a solution. We do not know when this will happen, or even if it will ever happen.
- TLDR: There is no War Echo Event. There will probably never be another War Echo Event. Nobody will ever unlock those Troops and yes, that’s sad.
The following information is just for context.
Most of the Troops can be bought with WarBonds. A couple of them can only be unlocked during an Event called ‘War Echo’. This only appears every once in a while (roughly once a month). During this time there will be a number of Quests that can be completed for Tokens with which you can spin the WarEcho Roulette. Some of the possible Rewards on that Roulette are these locked Troops. Since it is a Roulette, please be warned that unlocking them isn’t guaranteed.
Please note that none of the WarEcho Quest require WarBonds. The Quests are leveling up Troops, deploying Troops, spending Apex, and completing HeliQuests. There is no benefit to saving up WarBonds for this Event.
How to Beat Hilda?
First, there is agility, so that Hilda also can’t kill you, making it a stalemate. The best options here are Lucretia or Bae, since they can apply effect damage that can pop the shield for a kill next turn, breaking the stalemate.
On-summon damage procs like Trixie will pop the shield, allowing you to swing at her life (and Hilda has pretty low HP, so it’s not that hard to one-shot her). Suppression or transformation is also an option, such as Florence or Beck.
The plan, generally speaking, shouldn’t be to kill her with effect damage, but to pop the shield with effects then kill her with attacks.
New Currencies
With the update, a lot of new currencies have been introduced into the game. This is a quick sum-up of all Android-related currencies:
- Encryption Keys: These are the shards with the picture of each unit on them. Earned from heli race store or the war roulette, and change by season. These are used to first unlock an android, and then must be used every 10 levels, kind of like war cubes, which increase in cost each time. (Unlock shards/Level gatekeepers for Androids).
- Android Points: These are the silver triangle icons and are earned only from war rewards. You get a random drop of these at the end of each war day that you took part in, and it scales based on your place within the alliance. You only get the points for the units you have unlocked. So to begin with, you’ll just get loads of Ayong, then once you unlock, say, Ruby, the points will be split, etc. (Merc points for Androids).
- Gold Plates: This currency also drops from war rewards as above, but is the currency used to level all androids. You tend to get lots of this, and again it scales based on your place in the alliance war rank each day. (Credits for Androids).
Uprising Mechanic
If an alliance holds 4 or more sectors at the end of a round, there is a chance for uprising in one or more sectors, the more sector you have, the more riots. Riot is neutral forces that will make the sector neutral if they win, their strength scale with the owner of the sector. For all you care, “very low” chance means no riot, anything else is almost guaranteed to have a riot due to how it is rolled.
When you click a sector, it shows how much troop is on it by each party. For any sector that have troop from your alliance, you will see an eye icon, which you can click on to hide or scout. If you hide, then other alliance can no longer see how much troop your alliance have deployed to it. If someone else have hidden, you can scout to once again see their numbers(but only your alliance can see it, a third alliance would still not be able to see it unless they also scout). hide and scout start at 30/40 gems, but cost more each time they are used on the same sector in the same round.