Home » Godzilla x Kong: Titan Chasers – Beginners FAQ

Godzilla x Kong: Titan Chasers – Beginners FAQ

New Players FAQ


How to switch servers?

Your HQ must be under level 9 and lower than 300k power. You can also only move once. Should note that your shield will drop once you switch.

  • Visit the World Map and click the globe icon on bottom right.
  • Click on Regions in left corner.
  • Search for the region you wish to transfer to.
  • Pick an area to move to and use the Transfer Item.

Would I lose my power when switching?

No, the limit of power to change regions is 300K.

How to access pre-order rewards?

A reminder for pre-registration rewards, you must complete the game tutorial first before receiving them! Your Outpost should be level 3 at this point. Once complete, you will receive your rewards automatically.

  • To find your statues, click on Build > Cosmetics and scroll across.

Is there another way to get these statues if you didn’t pre-register?

Currently they where a pre-order exclusive, but they might be in the game along with some extra vanity soon!


How to complete the [Donate 2 Items to Alliance Members] task?

  • Your alliance members need to click on the inventory icon.
  • Then they need to click on components.
  • They need to select the component they want to recieve and click on the magnifying icon to the right.
  • The member who wishes to complete the task must go to their alliance assist tab.
  • Select how many items you wish to donate and hit donate.

What’s the best way to capture?

Find the best in capturing. Make and capture tiles in L formation in each HQ corner. Save the 2nd to start right away after it reaches the required % completion. Place the slower ones around their capturing tiles.

How to join an alliance?

You can search for an alliance to join my selecting the icon that appears in the bottom left of your screen, it will bring up this:

You can also view the scoreboards here on the World Map:

How to beat Godzilla vs SkullCrawler event?

You need to hunt SkullCrawler Swarms. They will give you Intel Swarm. Then, when you reach 25/25, you will be able to send a march to the city to help Godzilla. That will add a lot of score to your leaderboard event.

What happens to unused swarm intel at the end of an event?

You can save them for the next swarm event. The same as Skullcrawler trophies.

What happens when my base gets attacked and destroyed? Do I lose stuff?

Yes, resources and your troops go to the recovery center. If you have more troops than recovery center capacity, the ones that didn’t fit die forever and ever.

How to get more stamina?

You spend Stamina to complete expedition battles. Stamina is only deducted when an expedition is successful, meaning if you lose a battle your Stamina will be refunded, allowing you to attempt it again.

You can increase your Stamina Capacity or Stamina Regeneration rate in the Expertise Research tree or through the use of skills.

  • Twice per day, there is a brief window in which you can collect a Stamina Drop from the Gifts menu in the Shop. The Stamina from this drop can overflow your capacity.
  • You can use Stamina items to restore your Stamina. Like Stamina drops, these items can overflow your capacity.
  • You can gain bonus Stamina for expeditions by watching video adverts. Each advert viewed will award you some Stamina, though there is a limit you can watch per day.

Status Effects

What are status effects and what are they?

Some attacks and abilities will inflict status effects. These last a number of turns and can either help or hinder the target.


Stun makes the target unable to act on their turn. A stunned character will be immune to stuns, freezes, and blinds for a period of time.


Blind makes every attack and ability that targets the opposing team miss. Abilities that target allies are unaffected. A blinded character will be immune to stuns, freezes, and blinds for a period of time.


Freeze makes the target unable to act on their turn. A frozen character will be immune to stuns, freezes, and blinds for a period of time.


Bleeding characters will take a set amount of damage at the end of their turn. This is a good way to get in some extra damage or take care of enemies who have too much health to die from one attack.


Poisoned characters will lose a percentage of their health at the end of their turn. This life loss ignores armor so is good against really rough enemies.


Slowed characters take their turn less frequently. This is a good way to handicap dangerous enemies.


Weakened enemies have their armor reduced. This is a good way to take care of tougher enemies.


Shield increases the armor of the target. This is a good way to make a vulnerable ally safer.


Deflect nullifies incoming damage and sends it back at the attacker. This is a good way to stay safe and make progress against strong enemies.

Counter Attack

Counterattack takes damage they will immediately do their basic attack against the attacker. This is a powerful way to get some extra damage in.


Drain deals damage to the target and heals a percentage of that damage on the attacker. This is a good way to stay alive while dealing damage at the same time.

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