Home » Go Go Muffin – Guide to Acolyte + Builds

Go Go Muffin – Guide to Acolyte + Builds

Complete Acolyte Guide

Ву Fern.

Stats Description

  • ATK: Base value for increasing basic attack, skill, and healing skill.
  • HP: Health.
  • DEF: Reduces the base amount of DMG.
  • Determination %: Ignores enemy DEF or x2 Healing.
  • ASPD %: Basic Attack Speed and Active skill.
  • Haste %: Reduces the casting time or channeling speed.
  • Mastery %: Increases overall DMG or Healing.
  • Evasion %: Avoiding DMG.
  • Endurance %: Reduces incoming DMG by %.
  • CRIT %: Chance to trigger CRIT hit.
  • Accuracy %: Chance of attack not being dodged.
  • Block %: Blocks 50% of DMG.
  • Tenacity %: Reduces DMG taken further when HP drops to 15%.

Important Notes

  • Healing formula is estimated as (Attack Power × Coefficient + Various Fixed Values) × (1 + All-Purpose %) × (1 + Healing Effect %) × Critical Hit Coefficient 2 × Skill Coefficient 2. Therefore, increasing attributes such as Attack Power, Healing Effect, All-Purpose, Critical Hit, and Skills can improve healing output.
  • Even pure healers need a certain hit rate (Accuracy). Passive skills like “Invoker” and “Prayer’s Radiance” require core skills to hit before they can trigger healing.
  • Healing critical hits’ damage is fixed at 200%, and does not benefit from any DMG amplification.
  • Switching between healing and attack skill sets during combat will cause passive skills and talents that have changes in position or type to become ineffective, significantly reducing damage/healing output. Please maintain a single set of skills until the end of the battle.

What skill to get on the 300 selection? Restoration and probably add Executor for DPS option. Healing passive skills such as Prayer’s Radiance and Mark of Light are also good choices.


Crit DMG Heal Test

Does CDMG affect crit heal? The answer is no!

Why Demon Hound?

Reasons why every class is recommended to wishlist for DPS pets (i.e. demon hound and ice):

  • Many game modes in GGM do not require the traditional 1 tank + 1 heal + 2 DPS setting. In most cases it will be more efficient to run:
    • 1 half heal + 1 half tank + 2 DPS
    • 1 tank + 3 DPS
    • 1 heal + 3 DPS If you don’t have DPS pets, you will limit yourself to the traditional setting and fail to obtain full rewards in some modes that require high DPS (e.g. horror and daily dragon).

For Healers:

  • You gain healing effectiveness bonus by starring up your main pet, no matter which pet you use. It is the star-level that matters.
  • The CD reduction from haste has a cap at around 50%. Snow leopard will have minimal benefit once we have higher basic stats.
  • Healing per second requirement in GGM is not so high, unless you are going for trial leaderboard. It is not necessary to heal with a healing main/passive.
  • There will be gen 2 melomon at week 25 (based on CN server, might be different on other regions/servers). All healing pets will be replaced by gen 2, while demon hound/ice passive will still be tier S skills.

For Tanks:

  • Polar shadow is the best tank pet, which is a purple melomon that is easy to get.


  • DPS Pet: Demon Hound (Awakening) + Ice Colt (Passive) + Shadow Raven (Passive) + Demon Hound (Passive).
  • Heal Pet: Snow Leopard (Awakening) + Thunder (Passive) + Shadow Raven (Passive) + Smartie (Passive).

Pet Skill Combination for Each Battle Scenario

For healing mode, you can use any passive skill that increases your stats that correlate with your healing power such as increase ATK.


Main Mount

Gear Set Guide

  • CC0 = Energy (Helmet, Gloves) + Epic+
  • CC0 Late to CC1 Mid = 4 Icicle + 2 Energy (Helmet, Gloves)
  • CC1 Mid to CC2 Early = Full Icicle Set
  • CC2 Early = 3 Terror + 3 Icicle
  • CC2 Early to Mid = 4 Terror + 2 Icicle (Pants, Boots)
  • CC2 Mid to Late = 2 Terror (Helm, Armor) + 2 Icicle (Pants, Boots) + 2 Blackrock (Weapon, Gloves)
  • CC2 Late = Full Blackrock

CC Elements

Element type of each CC



  • Stats: Focus on Critical Rate.
  • DPS Core: Holy Radiance
  • DPS Tactical: Light Core, Radiant Focus, Holy Reprimand
  • DPS Passive: Radiant Descent, Judgment, Executor, Thorn Burst, Supreme Radiance
  • DPS Talent: Power of Light (All Right), Vigor Circle, Zealous Burden
  • Heal Core: Holy Radiance
  • Heal Tactical: Resto + Healing tactical skills and utility
  • Heal Passive: Radiance Prayer, Mark of Light, Invoker, Conduit of Light, Radiance Descent
  • Heal Talent: Power of Light (All Left), Vigor Circle, Healing Magic


For weapons, pants, helmets, gloves, rings, and necklaces, refine for Crit Rate attributes. The refinement level is not important.

Pet Moves:

For attack and balance skills, prioritize those with Crit Rate. For defensive skills, prioritize healing effects.


  • Stats: 100% Accuracy > 45% Crit Rate = 45% Determination > Haste, ATK
  • DPS Core: Shadow Lash
  • DPS Tactical: Shadow Mastery, Flowing Darkness, Shadow Pain
  • DPS Passive: Shadow Eruption, Void Torrent, Executor, Void Mark, Shadow’s Embrace
  • DPS Talent: Power of Shadow (All Right), Divine Instinct, Zealous Burden/Lightning Reflex (Choose to Balance your Crit or Deter)
  • Heal Core: Holy Radiance
  • Heal Tactical: Resto + Healing tactical skills and utility
  • Heal Passive: Radiance Prayer, Mark of Light, Invoker, Conduit of Light, Radiance Descent
  • Heal Talent: Power of Light (All Left), Vigor Circle, Healing Magic


For helmets and gloves, continue using the CC0 Power Set, which is better than the Icicle Set. For weapons and rings, refine for both Crit Rate or Determination, with a total refinement level of at least 5. For pants and necklaces, refine for any two of the following—Crit Rate, Determination, Accuracy. Armor, shoes, and amulet: No refinement required.

Pet Moves:

Prioritize achieving 100% Accuracy. After that, for attack skills, focus on either Crit Rate or Determination, depending on which is lower, until they are balanced. For defensive skills, prioritize healing effects. For Balance skills, choose those with Crit Rate and Determination. Once Crit Rate and Determination reach the desired thresholds, you can switch to enhancing other stats based on your class’s needs.


  • Stats: 100% Accuracy > 45% Crit Rate = 45% Determination > Mastery, Haste, ATK/Crit DMG
  • DPS Core: Twin Flame
  • DPS Tactical: Death and Rebirth, Shadow Clone, Imperial Guards
  • DPS Passive: Burning Fuel, Clone Form, Astral Synergy, Shadow’s Embrace, Executor
  • DPS Talent: Power of Twin Flame (all left), Forging Foundation, Zealous Burden/Lightning Reflex (Choose to Balance your Crit or Deter) after Crit and Det. reach 45% you can change to Vigor Circle or Voice of Bloodlust for Crit DMG build up.
  • Heal Core: Twin Flame
  • Heal Tactical: Resto + Healing tactical skills and utility
  • Heal Passive: Radiance Prayer, Mark of Light, Invoker, Burning Fuel, Clone Form
  • Heal Talent: Power of Twin Flame (All Right), Vigor Circle, Healing Magic


Weapon/Ring/Gloves aim for 3 ideal attributes with a total level of 10 or higher, for Pants/Helmet/Necklace aim for 2 ideal attributes, for Armor/Shoes/Amulet focus on block or damage reduction, as refining isn’t necessary.

Pet Moves:

Prioritize achieving 100% Accuracy. After that, for attack skills, focus on either critical hit or Determination, depending on which is lower, until they are balanced. For defensive skills, prioritize healing effects. For hybrid skills, choose those with critical hit and Determination. Once critical hit and Determination reach the desired thresholds, you can switch to enhancing other stats based on your class’s needs.


EoW Inferno Dragon

  • Phase 1: It’s Resto, Purif, Divine Heal.
  • Phase 2: Resto, Group Heal, Divine Heal.

If you’re feeling fancy and you know your party can DPS the phase 1 down within 57 seconds, then you can start Resto, Purif, Group Heal.

Then swap 57 seconds before your party kills the phase 1 HP bar:

  • Group Heal > Divine Heal.

Then once Dragon Liberation is over, you swap Purif > Group Heal.

Rifts and Perilous

Skill Presets

  • (15) Sawmachine: Resto, Group Heal, Healing Touch
  • (16) Construct Guardian: Resto, Group Heal, Barrier
  • (17) Wolf: Resto, Group Heal, Purify

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