Home » DC: Dark Legion – How to Change Servers + Technical FAQ

DC: Dark Legion – How to Change Servers + Technical FAQ

Guide to Change Server

Guide for all of the new players joining – if you’re looking for friends who are already playing or want to join an established group to level faster in the game and get support from experienced players then you’ll need to switch servers!

The game by default is likely to add you to a newer server such as Earth-225 or Earth-226. If you’re able to catch it early enough on the front screen and click settings you might be able to swap servers prior to starting the game.

Alternatively – once you’ve reached the end of the tutorial follow these steps to switch servers:

  • Go to your profile picture in the top left hand corner.
  • Then go to Settings.
  • Click the ‘Service’ tab at the bottom.
  • Click Account at the top.
  • Click ‘Characters’.
  • Click ‘Create Character’.
  • Select the relevant “Earth” (server) that you wish to join.

Connectivity and Accounts FAQ

Is DC: Dark Legion single player or multiplayer?

DC: Dark Legion is a social online game. Players will form leagues with other players around the world to both cooperate and compete with each other to determine the fate of the dark multiverse. To enjoy DC: Dark Legion to its fullest, we recommend you play with friends and join an active league.

However, there is also a single-player story and several solo gameplay modes such as Darkest Timeline and Training Simulator, which you can enjoy at your own pace.

Can DC: Dark Legion be played offline?

DC: Dark Legion requires a continuous internet connection to play.

Do PC, Android, and iOS players share the same servers?

Yes. DC: Dark Legion is a fully cross-platform game, and servers are shared between PC, Android, and iOS.

Can I play the same DC: Dark Legion account on PC, Android, and iOS?

Yes. Bind your account via the option on your in-game Profile, under Settings > Account. Because servers are shared across platforms, you can use your binding to login to your account on any compatible device.

Can I play multiple accounts in DC: Dark Legion?

Each bound account can play one character per server. Open your in-game profile and tap Settings > Service > Account > Characters > Create Character and select another server to start a new game on that server.

Then, you can switch between your characters via Settings > Service > Account > Switch Account.

Does DC: Dark Legion have multiple servers?

Yes. To ensure comparable progress between players on the same server, we periodically open new servers. New players are automatically routed to the newest servers.

As each server progresses, cross-server gameplay will be gradually unlocked, giving you access to a robust global community.

Are servers divided by region?

All global launch regions share the same servers.

Some regions not included in global launch may have separate servers if required by their local market practices and/or regulations, such as Mainland China.

My friend wants to join me. Can we play together on the same server?

Yes. After your friend finishes the tutorial, they can start a new game via an option on their in-game Profile, under Settings > Service > Account > Characters > Create Character. There, they can select your server to start a new game alongside you.

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