Dark and Darker Mobile – Rogue: Poison DOT Build

Rogue DOT Guide
Ву Bobstery.
This build is going to be fully dedicated to poison DOT (Damage Over Time) skills with ranged mastery for initial poke. Meanwhile, this build will not have any escape plan or evasion techniques, which will heavily rely on the user’s map awareness to use whatever environmental advantage they can find, and anticipate enemy movement to break up their plan.
- Active Skill Choice: Blightcloud; Poison-Tipped
- Passive Skill Choice (Core): Ranged Mastery + Blightcloud Throw + Shackles of Poison
- Passive Skill Choice (Alternatives): Backstab/ Double Jump/ Lockpick Expert/ Stakeout
- Weapon Combination (Primary): One-Handed Crossbow + Poison Dagger
- Weapon Combination (Secondary): Castillon Dagger + Stiletto Dagger
- Core Stats: Agility.
- Secondary Core Stats: Strength/ Vigor
- Afterward: Physical Bonus/ Cooldown Reduction/ Movement Speed Bonus/ Health Bonus/ Action Speed
Unlike any other builds who focus on Ambush, Weak-point Attack, or Double Jump; this build relies on using King of Thieve player’s well trained map awareness to hide away from enemy perception by utilizing blind spots, and slowly approach the enemy player until within 7~10m (Or behind the player if you choose to bring Backstab).
Most importantly, this build isn’t about fast killing, but to annoy the enemy and force them make extra mistakes. As for this build’s weakness, you have absolutely no way to escape if the enemy decide to dive at you when you are out of skills, which make you a sitting duck.
If you want to be annoying and break other people’s day, this build may suit your flavour. However, if you just want to melt someone else, go find an ambush build, that suits you more.
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Depending on the enemy’s class, if it were a ranger/wizard/rogue with relatively low health points, you may use Poison-Tipped skill with One-Handed Crossbow skill to triple poke the enemy, and apply 3 stacks of poison on them. If backstab was activated, you will have more time to approach them and constantly stack more poison on them with Blightcloud and Poison Dagger, giving them no time to react before dying to high poison DOT. (In case you didn’t notice, Poison Dagger plus Poison-Tipped skill activated can apply two stacks of poison with one swing.)
It would be a suggestion for you not to let them have the chance to avoid you and heal up/poke you back, as those three classes are relatively good in a battlefield with distances between each other.
If it were fighter/barbarian/cleric, then it is better not to approach them too quickly; instead, poke them first with crossbow, then slowly go near them as a threat instead of a big dive. It would be important to understand what kind of build these 3 are using. If they have ranged options and prefer to use cover and fire at you, then throwing Blightcloud on their cover to force them away will be a useful strategy.
However, if the enemy had built around dive-in combos, such as fighter with Shield Dash + Taunt, barbarian with Charge + Roar, or cleric with Root and War Mace, then it would be wise to switch your primary weapon set into secondary weapon set, and prepare to throw Blightcloud under your feet if they do charge at you. Once they have come near you, and prepare to use the other control skill for a chain control, use Castillon Dagger to interrupt them and focus on stabbing with Stiletto Dagger to deal even more damage.
(You might be wondering why not use Poison Dagger instead. Simple, because when they are in close range combat, you do not want to rely on Poison Dagger since they are not great at physical damage. By switching to Stiletto Dagger + Poison-Tipped skill, you will have more chance to melt the enemy before they melt you. As for “what happens if I use poison dagger?”, well, you will face the result of both you and your enemy dying at the same time after many attempts.)
The support gear is viable for this build to practice in nightmare mode. Once you get the hang of this, go with epic and legendary gears that suit your interest.

- Good thing is: This build is viable in both Solo-Goblin Cave and Trio-Forgotten Castle, as it does not require flanking to be useful.
Also, you can switch One-Handed Crossbow to Throwing Knife for a more consecutive use of stacking poisons.