BanG Dream! – How to Build Teams Efficiently

How Should I Build My Teams Efficiently
Before diving into team building, we have to take into account the different types of cards there are in-game. Every card is a score-up card to an extent. However, a lot of cards are hybrid cards.
Below you will see some examples of hybrid cards:

Hybrid cards are mainly Perfect Lock or Stamina cards that also yield a small score-up, usually at 60% if 4* and lower if 3*.
Ideally at all times, your center should be a score-up card without any other skill conditions. If this is not possible due to the cards you have on hand, try to have the highest hybrid scorer as your centre for maximum score efficiency.
Different Types of Score-Up Cards
In-game there are currently these different types of score-up cards you should be looking out for:
- 60% Score – up (For 3*)

- 65% Score – up if your health is above 900, if below 900, score up is decreased to 55% (For 3*)

- 65% Score – up for perfect notes, if a great is hit, score-up is decreased to 55% (For 3*)

- 100% Score – up

- 110% Score – up if your health is above 900, if below 900, score up is decreased to 90%

- 110% Score – up for perfect notes, if a great is hit, score-up is decreased to 90%

- 115% Score – up for perfect notes.
If a great is hit, score-up is decreased to 80% IF all your cards are x attribute. (For example, NFO2 Lisa will only be 115%/80% Score – up if all your cards in your team are Pure attribute. If they are NOT, then the score up is decreased to a conditional scorer of 95%/80%)

- 120% Score – up for perfect notes ONLY. (115% in EN currently, DreamFestival exclusive skill)

- 125% Score – up for perfect notes ONLY if your team is full x team members.
Otherwise 110% Score – up for perfect notes only (DreamFes 2 card exclusive skill. For example Kanon DF2, will only be 125% if the whole team is Hello Happy World, otherwise she will only boost by 110%).

Band Power
So I have some scorer cards! What now? Well before we start building our teams we have to take into consideration some other important factors that go into building a team. In a nutshell, your goal is for your Band Power to be as high as possible whilst at the same time you have a team that yields you a high event point % boost.
What happens when I clear a card’s first and second story/episode?
You get 25 stars for the first story/episode and 50 for the second one! Additionally, each card gets an additional stat boost when you unlock them for each one respectively.
- 2* : 450/900 total stat boost.
- 3* : 600/1500 total stat boost.
- 4* : 750/1800 total stat boost.

Here, my Band Power is 122 809 total, this can be increased through the addition of band items, plaza items and magazines. I’m attaching a video made by Umidah on how to increase your band power. Whilst it’s a few years old, the band power increase concept is still the same and I would highly recommend you check it out to grab the basics of increasing your band power:
Additionally, magazines were implemented in the game not long ago which increase parameters. Parameters are the stats you have that create your total Band Power. In my previous image my parameters were: 41860 Performance, 38755 Technique and 42194 Visual, so the best item for my team would be the Fashion Magazine.
Magazine items are shown below:

Finally, items that increase everyone’s stats were implemented with the 50% boost change in JP. This was added to give reason to players to use featured cards more often than not, Now, a lot of the times in mixed events – it is more optimal to have the featured girls AND attribute simultaneously for that higher event % boost. This will begin to take effect in EN with the addition of Noble Rose 3, which means off attributed scorer cards will no longer be optimal. Below is an image of “everyone’s items”.

Team Composition
I got some of my items and band power sorted, now how do I build my teams? Well, this heavily depends on what event is running but in a nutshell you want a scorer card to be in the center for Live Goals, Mission Live and Challenge Live Multis.
Why? Well, because in these events you’ll only be playing Multi Live (unless Challenge Live which we will expand further on) and in Multi Live, only your center card actually activates. That means it doesn’t matter if the other cards in your team are scorers or not, as long as they are the featured girl or attribute or both, then you get a higher % boost, which equates to more event points.

Here, my only score up cards are DreamFes Yukina and Wedding Lisa, with Yukina being my centre because she’s a 120% score-up card. My Wedding Rinko is a healer, and while I have Largo Rinko which is a 110% score-up card, her stats are lower than Wedding Rinko, therefore, Wedding Rinko is better for higher event point gain. Perfect Lock/Healer cards (excluding the first 25 4* which were before power-creep) all relatively have a higher stat total than Scorer cards. This means that in events where only your centre activates, then your other 4 slots should focus on maximising your total band power for higher event point gain.
On the other hand, in Band Battles and Challenge Lives (NOT Multi Live during Challenge live) you want your team to be heavily score focused so that you can score higher. Things here become a little bit trickier but the main gist of it is a combination of high band power AND a team of scorers. So you want a team that matches the total event boost % and if possible, have them be scorers.
Let’s Put All This into Practice!
If there’s currently a Cool Pastel Palettes event on JP going on that is Live Goals, Mission Live or I want to play Multi during a Challenge Live to get CL Tokens, then I’m gonna be using this team.

If there’s currently a Cool Pastel Palettes event on JP going on that is VS Live or I’m going to be spending my CL Tokens, then I’m gonna be using this team.

The main difference here is that I changed my Hina 4* from a healer to a scorer that I had available (A 110% conditional health scorer) and also changed my Aya 3* from a Perfect Lock to a 60% scorer. At the same time, you can see that my Total Band Power went down when adding my two scorers because of their lower stat total. And there you have it!
Now you know how to build an efficient team according to the event type!