Dead Rails – Beginners Guide (Tier Lists & FAQ)

Helpful Tips for New Players
General Tips
- Electrocutioner can be charged with holy water and crucifix.
- Lab and Fort are rotating, meaning they can sometimes switch places (20km-30km, 50km-60km).
- Unicorns have a 1% spawn rate.
- Vampire class loses 1.4hp per second.
- Health regeneration rate is 0.2 per second.
- If you have a problem storing bonds in your sack, point your screen to the bond, then equip the sack and tap store (this works with other equippable items also).
Tips for Vampire:
- Make sure to use your ranged weapon more than your vampire knife. Only use the vampire knife on stuck enemies to heal yourself.
- Make sure to have at least 2 bandages with you when going out in the sun. Or don’t take any damage from enemies except from the sun.
- You can cover yourself from the sun with an item like a metal sheet. A roof doesn’t count as covering the sun. You need something that blocks the sun from seeing your hitbox, meaning holding up a poster, painting, or sheet of metal facing the sun restricts sun damage.
- Have self-control and patience. Do not rush villages.
- Be hesitant to move at night since you can still die to werewolves. But don’t hesitate to move during the day since the sun damage isn’t that bad.
Tips for Pacifist:
- Use Doctor or Alamo.
- If you’re Alamo, don’t use the barbed wires (they count as kills).
- Always buy steel plates, snake oil, and bandages.
- If it’s night and it’s blood moon or full moon and you’re at base, wait for the wolves to die to the turrets; you can get easy money for snake oil and steel plates.
How to Start Solo Without Any Class:
- Sell the gold bar at the trading post and go to the gunsmith to buy a revolver and some ammo.
- Buy one coal from the general store.
- Get 3 newspapers, burn 1 and fuel your train. (If you are non-skilled, you can place 2 papers and make a door-type arrangement which allows you to enter sideways.)
Note: There is an 80% chance that houses will spawn every 100 meters.
If you find any bandit tents, you can shoot them from a distance and loot them. They have very good loot, and you can even find a rifle in them. Once you get a rifle, you can easily solo villages.
How to Get Bonds
- Buildings: You can find bonds in regular buildings, though they’re uncommon.
- Bandit camps: Bonds appear occasionally here too.
- Banks: Better chance of finding bonds, but still not guaranteed.
- Castle: Guaranteed to find about 15 bonds.
- Military base: Guaranteed to find 4-6 bonds.
- Nikola Tesla’s Lab: Guaranteed to find 4 bonds.
- Outlaw Outpost/80km checkpoint: Each of the 8 houses may contain 0-2 bonds.
Top Classes for Solo and Teams
- Vampire (Hard to use. Not recommended for newer players but best overall class. Relevant throughout the whole game, but suffers during early game. Will most likely get a nerf. This is not an official statement).
- Cowboy (Easy to use. Best early game. Irrelevant for mid to late game).
- Conductor (For teams only / solo speedrun. Not good for solo bond grind).
- High Roller (For teams only but “usable” on solo).
- Survivalist (It does what it’s supposed to. Easy to use).
Notes: Buy Vampire or Cowboy first, then Conductor, then buy either High Roller or Survivalist. Save the remaining bonds for future updates afterwards. Doing so will make sure balance changes to classes won’t affect your financial decisions.
The Best Class Combos
- Cowboy + High Roller
- Vampire + High Roller
- Cowboy + Cowboy
- Cowboy + Conductor
- Doctor + Cowboy
- Survivalist + High Roller
- Vampire + Cowboy + Conductor
- Cowboy + High Roller + Survivalist
- Conductor + High Roller + Vampire + Cowboy
Types of Nights
Theres currently four different types of nights:
- Normal Moon (Spawns Zombies)
- Full Moon (Spawns Werewolves)
- Blood Moon (Summons Vampires)
- Thunderstorm (Summons Lightning)
How Time Works:
- Daytime – 340 seconds
- 5:00 am to 10:00 pm
- Nighttime – 140 seconds
- 10:00 pm to 5:00 am
Each hour is 20 seconds long.
Pacifist+ Unkillable + Pony + Escape under an Hour
Requirements: Cowboy and 17 bonds (or JS Loot Lab and buy oils).
- (Optional) Buy head armor piece and 5 snake oils in lobby.
- Whenever you get to the lab, loot the bars and Tesla head for 300+ bucks, then buy snake oils.
- Take your horse to 70km (if you pass lab at the right time, grab some valuables from there to buy more snake oils).
- Safe method: leave base as soon as it hits 6am; you will get to the next base at 9pm exactly.
- Survival Tips: If you encounter blood moon, run in a zigzag pattern to avoid vampires teleporting to you and hitting you.
- After you leave the 70km base, ride to the left or the right of the rails as far as possible to avoid getting close to the 80km base.
- Once you get to the edge, quickly activate snake oils, jump into the water (you will be teleported to the bridge), turn the crank, and jump under the bridge and wait for the end screen.
- (Safer option: after jumping under the bridge, unstore 2-3 sheets and drop them into the water, place a horse on them, and you’ll be able to ride on the water without teleporting back to the bridge).
I followed this method and turned the crank at around the 57-minute mark.
Tips for Raiding the Big 3
- Castle: I would use a horse or something big that can’t be moved easily, a barrel for example, to block the doorway and prevent anyone from getting out.
- Tesla Lab: Have a bunch of snake oil and ammo.
- Fort Constitution: Stay near the gate and shoot from a range to avoid taking damage.
Where to Find Weapons?
- Vampire Knife: Can sometimes be found in large cities in the wasteland, but it’s rare.
- Mauser C96: Look for this in buildings throughout the wasteland.
- Maxim Machine Gun: Available for purchase at the Gunsmith store for $125. Also can be found in buildings.
- Sawed-Off Shotgun: Sometimes found in wasteland buildings. You can also purchase it with Robux.
- Rifle: Available at the Gunsmith store for $75. Also found in buildings.
- Shotgun: Available at the Gunsmith store for $50. Also found in buildings.
- Revolver: Available at the Gunsmith store for $35. Also found in buildings.
- Axe, Shovel, Hammer, Pickaxe: You’ll get one of these randomly when you start the game.
Tier Lists
Official Tier List of All Classes:

Speedrun Tier List (Multiplayer):


Best Classes for Solo:

Tier List (by Price of it in Bonds):
This tier list ranks classes based on the worth of your class corresponding with the price of it in bonds, and some general tooltips to keep track of when reading this list are:
- An S tier class has the MOST value for its bond price, such as arsonist’s double damage from fire for 20 bonds, and doctor’s revival for also 15 bonds.
- These classes are generally NOT ranked on best class. If you want a BEST class, look at the pins. This is just ranking on how much worth you would get from buying.
- This is not organized as in Left-Right means stronger class; it’s just tier-based, not the position of the class in its tier.

Weapons Tier List:

Stats & Info
Sell Valuable List
Gold/Silver nuggets price will vary depending on size (The rocks are not sellable)
- Minimum (Silver) – 12$
- Minimum (Gold) – 25$
- Gold ingot – 50$
- Gold Statue – 45$
- Gold painting – 35$
- Silver ingot – 25$
- Gold Cup – 25$
- Gold plate – 20$
- Silver Statue – 20$
- Gold watch – 15$
- Silver painting – 12$
- Silver cup – 12$
- Silver plate – 10$
- Silver watch – 7$
- Stone statue – 5$
- Wood painting – 5$
Junk Items:
Book, Barrel, Chair, Teapot, Rope, Pot and Wheel – 5$ (Jade Tablet is not sellable)
Utility Items:
- Jade Mask – 250$
- Crucifix – 50$
- Holy water – 30$
- Snake Oil – 15$
- Bandages – 5$
Weapon Sell Price:
- Jade Sword – 250$
- Electrocutioner – 150$
- Vampire knife – 100$
- Rifle – 31$
- Bolt Action Rifle – 30$
- Cavalry Sword – 25$
- Navy revolver – 20$
- Shotgun – 21$
- Tomahawk – 18$
- Sawed-off shotgun – 20$
- Revolver – 15$
- Mauser – 14$
Armor Sell Price:
- Chest plate – 50$
- Helmet – 40$
- Left Shoulder – 30$
- Right Shoulder – 30$
Corpses / Bounties:
- Nikola Tesla’s Body – 300$
- Brain in Jar (Nikola Tesla’s Head) – 250$
- Alive unicorn – 250$
- Dead unicorn – 150$
- Captain Prescott – 150$
- Outlaw – 35$
- Werewolf – 20$
- Vampire – 15$
All NPC Health Points:
- 100 – Zombie (All Variations) – 15 Dmg
- 100 – Outlaw (All Variations)
- 100 – Wolf
- 100 – Horse
- 150 – Vampire – 15 Dmg
- 500 – Werewolf – 35 Dmg
- 5,000 – Nikola Tesla
Gun Damage:
- Rifle: Normal 75, Headshot 104 (Closest Range)
- Bolt Action Rifle: Normal 55, Headshot 110 (Closest Range)
- Revolver: Normal 30, Headshot 51 (Closest Range)
What are the chances of a unicorn spawning?
It’s pretty rare. To be exact, the chances are 1% for it to spawn (including outlaw horses too).
How much coal will it take to reach the end?
It takes you 21-22 coal to reach the end if you don’t make any stops. With the conductor class, it takes approximately 16 coal.
Where is the castle located?
The castle can be located within the 38k meter mark.
Where is the lab located?
The lab can be located within the 20-30k or the 50-60k meter mark. (Fun fact: The fortress and the lab can sometimes swap locations.)
Should you buy vampire or survivalist?
Vampire is the current best class in the game because of the speed buff it has. Survivalist is a really good class too (damage wise).
What is the best class for the pacifist challenge?
The majority said that the “conductor” class is the best for this.
Does leaving reset the Unkillable challenge?
Unfortunately, yes. Leaving the game would reset the Unkillable challenge.
What cancels the pacifist challenge?
Killing any mob would cancel the challenge. Hitting entities with the train won’t cancel it, same with barbed wire kills.
How do I mine the ore nodes?
Use a Shovel to mine it slowly or a pickaxe to mine it in 2 hits.
Where do I find Town of Sterling?
All locations except Castle randomly spawn at different distances. 10k-20k, 20k-30k or 50k-60k. Sterling will be a town situated close by a mountain.
Where is/What does the Jade mask do?
The Jade Mask, which is located the end of the mineshaft in Town of Sterling, is used to reanimate a corpse, converting a dead body to help you in battles. (They do not follow you but path-find to the nearest enemy)
What do the Tablets do?
There are 4 tablets in total. Collect all 4 and place them in the secret room to uncover a special relic of the past.
How do I tame a wolf? (not a werewolf)
Drag a corpse to a wolf to tame it
Does the ending water teleport you?
It has been changed to now kill you when you drop down in the water at 80km.
How many bonds do you get for beating Nightmare mode?
You get 20 at the end. Not including all the bonds you find by picking them up & challenges.
Where can I find the Horse Cart?
They spawn in the Farms/Barns.