TRIBE NINE – PAR and How to Use It

Quick Guide to PAR
Ву sоо.
You can buy PAR recipe from Beroro in the major city in Shinagawa/Minato with the daily missions for 1 million kane.
You can craft PAR by crafting the blue mat using 2 purple boss mats, getting the gold item by converting patimon, and 30k kane.
PAR works only inside fractal vice, and applies to only T8 drops. It consumes 1 charge whenever you get a T8 drop, no matter the tier.
How It Works
- Open your consumable inventory (on PC this is pressing Q in overworld) and select PAR; it will let you select one patimon from your current party lineup to copy off of.
- PAR randomly copies 1 of the 3 stats from the selected patimon, exact stat and tier (if ATK IV is copied, it is always ATK IV, not IV+, not ATK II).
- The copied stat always appears first on the dropped patimon.
- PAR allows for double gold substats: the copied stat and the natural appearing gold substat.
- The copied stat is lowered in tier if the drop cannot have that tier as a substat (example: purple patimon cannot have gold line, so if it copied ATK IV+ on a purple drop, it would downgrade to ATK III+).
- Find a gear with a max tier desired substat (Crit DMG IV+, ATK IV+, Support IV+, or if it’s for tank, DMG Cut Rate++, etc.). The other two stats don’t matter; you are gambling for it to copy the gold stat either way.
- Once you get a drop with the copied stat + another good gold substat, use PAR on the new piece, so you have a 2/3 chance of copying a good stat instead of 1/3.
Note: Swapping the patimon you used PAR on will still retain the original patimon’s stats.
What’s better PAR on Patimon: You drop from Battle in Fractal or Patimon from Chest?
Getting a gold from fractal battle is somewhat rare. Ferocious Monsters will always drop a Patimon but it will have a high chance of being Purple. Meanwhile, regular mobs rarely drop Patimon and can range from gray to gold with lower rarities being more common.
At least with Chests, you know that Gold Chests will always be Gold and Blue Chests have a chance to be either Gold or Purple (or rarely no Patimon). Regular chests don’t seem to drop Patimon.
As for what substats gold drops from fractal battles have, they seem to be the same as the ones in chests. Although I’ve only seen a dozen or so, I can’t say with absolute certainty that they’d have the same substat rates.
Will a lower tier with a IV+ gold substat like this work if a T8 drops?
Yes, it just copies the line. It doesn’t need to be T8 to copy off of.

Which is better, copying stats or skills?
Currently, it is better to copy stats than skills. If in the future we ever get TC or character buffers that give a ton of crit damage or ATK (and I do mean a ton, like the 3* EX Senju TC), skill substat lines may be competitive. But until then, that video is spreading suboptimal advice.
PAR works on Chest or only for Battle Drop for Tier 8?
It works for chests, yes. All T8 drops.
Realized I have been using PAR wrong this entire time, copying the low tier substats. Thank you very much for the guide! Perhaps now my grind will be more effective.