TRIBE NINE – How to Make Kane (Money)

Money (Kane) Farming Guide
Ву Pupper.
Since a lot of people are reaching the Kane gate, I would like to present you some tips on how to make Kane in this game (that aren’t the obvious dailies).
- Killing bosses (SHARK & Brave Diver) and selling their materials. They would often drop 4 to 6 materials every time you kill it which sells for 500 Kane each (2k to 3k total). The faster you kill the bosses the faster you can make Kane.
- Farming boosters and clearing rifts. By farming the 6 respawning mobs next to the Brave Diver TP in Odaiba: Plaza. You can farm boosters which takes about 2~5mins per booster depending on your luck. Then you can run rifts to get around 6k average Kane per run. This might be slower than killing bosses but you also get rank up materials and TP for leveling tension cards.
- Overworld farming. I don’t really recommend this as it is very inefficient timewise but whenever you do the dailies in Minato City (Request to Find the One Who is Lost) in Chaos Midtown check whether or not the golden chest respawn. After you grab those chest you can TP to Shiba Temple as it has one of the highest density of chest in that area. It’s not a consistent method like 1 or 2 but it’s a nice injection of cash that doesn’t take long every 3 days or so for the golden chest to respawn.

How to Sell Boss Materials
In case anyone don’t know you can sell boss materials in this game.
- First you click on your bag:

- And then you can click the sell button here.

Luxurious Chests with Lots of Money
- Biology Research Centrum – Manager Office x1, Marine Biology B x3, Testing Field x1
- Aquarium – In front of the Building, to the left x1, Inside – use elevator and enter Resource Deposit x1
- Dream Wharf – Skyway x3
- Shinagawa Dock x1 (On the left)
- Construction Site – x4
- Neo-Highway Entrance – x2 (Enter Shiba-Temple Sewers from there for x2 more)
- Shiba-Temple Sewers – x2 (The ones mentioned above)
- Chaos Midtown: Lower Levels – x2 (On the left and right side – inside the Abandoned Building 1 and 2)
- Chaos Midtown: Upper Levels – x4
- Shiba-Temple: Main Hall – x8
- Shiba-Temple: Arcane Passageway – x2 (left and right)
- Shiba-Temple: Jizo Grave – x1 (right side)
- Shiba-Temple: Corridor – x4 (left side)
Respawn timers for Chests are: 12h on Regular, 24h on Valuable, 48h on Luxurious.
For a total of 40 chests, that’s 200k kane/48h.
- Picking up the valuables along the way (especially Shiba) nets quite a bit more.
Chaos Midtown

Neo-Highway and Shiba Temple Sewers


Construction Zone

Shinagawa Dock

The other ones have a lot of walking around and not a lot of looting, though I highly recommend to everyone to try and just clear the Temple map because it’s good Kane.
How to Level Up without Spending Kane
How to level a character from 1 to 50 without spending Kane!
Now that we have ranked XB, you might want a strong team of level 50s to make your matches easier. Here some ways I’ve leveled all my units without using the EXP materials at all (since they take Kane).
- From level 1 to 45, you can bring that character along with you to fight SHARK or Brave Diver bosses. Just put whatever gear you can find on them and you should be able to gain EXP for them as well as farm boss mats (either for rank up or mainly for some extra Kane by selling those mats). This works up to level 45 since you wouldn’t be able to earn any more EXP 5 levels above the boss. You can also use the EXP food item pre-level 30 to get them to level 30 faster.
- From Level 45 onwards the best source of EXP is to bring them as a 3rd member for the Red Series bosses at the end of the Fractal Vice gamemode. If you’re not strong enough to kill it consistently with 2 members then I suggest just bring them along to farm more Patimons in Fractal Vice anyways.
Note: Do not kill the final boss with your EXP farming team after the weekly reset as you want the presents you get from the Special Chest to be on your mains You don’t gain EXP from the first floor and maybe the 2nd but 3rd floor you definitely can get EXP still. You want to be clearing out Fractal Vice anyways for the Patimons so might as well bring a +1 or +2 for the EXP.

Using Boosters in Lux Phantasma Compared to Rifts
Rifts are still better for Kane and TP but Lux Phantasma can be cleared faster and gives a consistent amount of Data Storages.
This tip assumes that you have already claimed all limited rewards from the Shop. So we won’t be counting any Kane/TP rewards from it.
In Lux Phantasma, You can use 1 Boosters to earn 500 Event Currency.
- 1 Purple Data Storage Cost 120 Event Currency and 1 Blue Data Storage Cost 40 Event Currency, that means you’ll get a total of 4 Purple and 0.5 Blue Data Storage
In Rifts, You can use 1 Boosters to get 1-4 Purple and 1-4 Blue Data Storage. Chest will also spawn in Rifts randomly, rewarding you with Data Storage/Core and Varying amount of Kane/TP rewards.
- At Average, You’ll get 2 Purple and 2 Blue Data Storage from the Boss.
Pros of using Boosters in Lux Phantasma:
- It’s faster to clear Boosters
- Consistent Data Storage rewards compared to Rifts
- You don’t get any Kane and TP from Lux Phantasma after you bought the limited rewards
From 1 to 38 i just go shiba temple farming, the takedown system makes it quite viable to farm exp there. And you get Booster’s while doing that ! I did that until i have 2 chars at 38, then i use both + 1 main dps (Ultimate Q/Miu work) running rifts until 42/43 or the boosters are used up. Just Ignore the regular mobs, pick up the valuable/luxury chests and rush to boss.
Another alternate way from 1-35~38 is farming double Endrone [This is the quickest method, double the exp of shark/brave diver]. But you are missing out on Boosters.
Only after those steps it’s worth doing the Red Series farming. [I did that, even with 3 chars i’m not usually using, if you are familiar with the boss – then you can do that – otherwise yeah, just bring along one]
Did that method for all my XB chars, all got to 50 before event started.