Cassette Beasts – Speedrun Walkthrough

Cassette Beasts Any% Random
Compared to the seeded route, while there are a lot of similarities, there a few notable differences:
- Resonance victories are more complex to achieve and require the Taunt sticker equipped to a fast monster that can do air type damage.
- XP routing is included for the acquisition of stickers such as Taunt.
- Chests are opened mainly to acquire more / better tapes, very handy since there are additional captures / recordings that are required. Finding specific stickers in a chest can also aid in the run (this is complex and not currently included in this guide).
- This guide currently uses an alternate route from farm skip. Farm skip is probably faster, but is tricky for some (like myself) to learn.
Before game start set difficulty to Max (impossible grind) and smartness to Min.
Immediately run west (left) towards Harbortown (do not jump, stalls stamina Regen)
- Select Sweet
- Turn 1: Smack / Spit
- Done.
After story / cutscene sequence (and quick wardrobe check) run east (right) to meet with Kayleigh and get key / unlock gate. Get straight to…
- Turn 1: Smack / Spit
- Turn 2: Smack / Spit
- Done.
Hit button / turn on elevator. Skip the campfire by following the surrounding grass. Then go north, flip the switch for the lamp and fight.
- Turn 1: Rec / Spit
- Turn 2: Switch / Sonic Boom
- Turn 3: Smack / Sonic Boom
- Results: Unequip Zephyr (Dominoth)
- Done.
Go west, glide over gap. Head south, glide around the fence to skip short rumble scene. (Falling off the side is a reset. Simple trick, very punishing to fail, only saves maybe 5 seconds, so optional for new runners). Continue on to open / enter Harbortown station. Going through the station, go left after the turnstiles to get chest the go back to the right to fight.
- Turn 1: Smack / Spit
- Turn 2-3: Smack / Flee
- Turn 4-6: Sonic Boom
- Done.
Tutorial done.
Leave cafe, ignore what that Eugene guy is doing; hop over the fence to the docks and enter Kayleighs house to grab the chest and fast travel back to the cafe, then exit. Take the elevator on the right, then the stairs to get the chest on the roof of the left building. Glide North out of town and head to the Ranger outpost.
Activate Ianthe cutscene. If you can do Ianthe skip, go for it.
Grab small rock, then quick jump onto the large rock (hidden behind tree) and hop again to mantle onto the ledge. (Failing this you can press the wall switch to raise the bridge and mantle onto that with the small rock. If you raise the bridge you can optionally grab the chest as well).
Avoid the ranger in front of the stair by jumping on her head or if you still have the small rock, mantle up over the ledge.
Enter the Ranger Outpost, grab chest and raid fridge (fridge always has an Iced coffee):
- Menu -> Inventory -> Recycle Upgrape / Olive-Up -> Menu -> Settings -> Difficultly Boring
- Shop -> Pear Fusilli -> Iced Coffee* -> Smoke Bombs**
* If you cant afford the Iced coffee now you will have to buy it later.
** Smoke bombs are optional, but allow you to get out of combat immediately and guaranteed after a required capture.
Fast travel back to the ranger outpost, go around back of building and grab chest. Jump on top of the chest / fence and glide north to the top of the cliff. Head northwest to grab the big rock along the next cliff wall. (You can jump onto the lower ledge, then again to get the rock).
Talk with Felix. Then go west to the Valley. Once there try to get the attention of a Bulletino. (they will zip across the valley to get to you if you are spotted). If you can’t get their attention you will have to jump over the trainer to get to them.
Capture bulletino, finish the fight for XP, unequip Provoke from Sirenade on result screen.
Cross the west bridge, then the south bridge onto Diveal Island. From the southwest corner of the island, dash-jump over to cherry grove (big rock or barrel is required)!
Go to the Wind Shrine at the center of Cherry Grove, mantle up the shrine column and glide to the magnet box. Grab box, glide back to top of shrine column and glide left to the upper level (beware of encounters). Then take the box south to unlock Cherry Cross Station.
Enter Station, talk to Magikrab and leave.
Head to the southeast corner of cherry grove and down into the marshes. Follow the strip of land south, walk across the top of the ocean gate and continue south toward the Farm Bridge.
- Menu -> Party-> Swap candevil with Bulletino
- If Sirenade is damaged, heal with rewind.
- Use Pear Fusilli.
- Exit Menu, dash to bridge to Fight MegaJelly.
- Turn 1: Fuse -> Sonic Boom
- Turn 2-3: Rapid Fire
- Turn 4-5: Sonic Boom
- Results: Unequip Taunt (Dominoth)
- Use rewinds to heal Sirenade and Bulletino.
- Dash left to encounter / record Jumpkin.
- Dash south to encounter / record Nevermort.
You can encounter Nevermort in the jumpkin fight and get both there.
Dash East to Harbortown, enter Felix’s house.
- Menu -> Party -> Swap bulletino with Nevermort
- -> Swap sirenade with jumpkin
Talk to Felix, exit house, go up stairs to sticker shop and purchase Glass Camouflage (might have to recycle some stickers for the 300 pulp).
- Menu -> Party -> Nevermort -> Slot 1 replace with zephyr
- -> Slot 2 replace with taunt
- -> Brushroom -> Slot 2 replace with Glass Camo -> Swap Paint Swipe to slot 1.
Fast travel to Cherry Cross station, perform Cherry Cross Skip at the Elevator and proceed to the platform to Fight Alice.
If for any of the boss fights Nevermort or Dominoth die, swap in Sirenade.
- Turn 1: Taunt / Paint Swipe
- Turn 2: Zephyr / Swap to Dominoth
- Turn 3: Zephyr / Smack
- Done.
Song: Check for West / East
From cafe quick travel to Ranger outpost and travel east. Grab rock and complete puzzle to unlock Glowcester Station. Enter station, perform Glowcester Station Skip, enter platform to fight Puppetox.
- Turn 1: Taunt / Paint Swipe
- Turn 2: Zephyr / Swap to Dominoth
- Turn 3: Zephyr / Smack
From cafe, fast travel to Cherry Cross. Exit station, head northeast and vineball up Mt. Wirral to get to Icelington Station. Proceed to the platform and fight Babelith.
Babelith: Boss can still sometime confuse party members, cross your fingers for rngesus
- Turn 1: Taunt / Paint Swipe
- Turn 2: Zephyr / Swap to Dominoth
- Turn 3: Zephyr / Smack
- Song: Check for North / South
From cafe, fast travel to Glowcester Station. Exit station, head east to Mourning Town. do mourning town skip to pass the bouncer. Inside follow the left wall, using vineball or dashing up the walls. (Careful with the last ledge), attempt Dorian Skip, proceed to station / platform to fight mourningstar.
- Turn 1: Taunt / Paint Swipe
- Turn 2: Zephyr / Swap To Dominoth
- Turn 3: Zephyr / Smack
Once you are outside Mourningtown go to magikrab and use vineball on the platform above his door to wrong-warp to the center of harbourtown and activate the cutscene.
In deadworld run north to next cutscene, examine tapestry, cross the room and interact with the mirror. In the final part of the cutscene after returning to Wirral, remember if it is day or night
- Back in the cafe: Menu -> Party -> Swap Brushroom with Bulletino
- -> Inventory -> Upgrape* -> Dominoth (you want 5 stars).
* Small chance that you wont have an Upgrape, in which case the final fight will be harder.
Rest at table: If its Daytime remaster Dominoth to get Tokusect. If its Night rest once to make it Day, then rest again.
Tokusect is required for the final fight, as Dominoth / Sirenade does not meet the speed requirement for defeating Aleph-Null (due to taking double turns).
- Talk to Kayleigh -> Menu -> Party -> Swap Jumpkin with Brushroom.
From here there are 4 possible routes to finding the mirror to the last station depending on the clues from Morgantes song. From most likely routes to least Likely:
[50%] East / North:
This is the longest one and will quickly not be worth checking all locations.
- Starting from Mourningtown go north to the north east corner of mourningtown and look out toward the northeast corner of Autumn hill. If you see a large tree stump the mirror is there, otherwise go south and do a mirror check on the fire shrine. Next travel Northwest to the tree stump just north of Glowcester station and mirror check there. Then fast travel to the ranger station and do a mirror check in the area behind/below the building. From there travel north to Eastham Woods and perform a check at the ‘three lights puzzle’. And the final location is to the east on top of Falldown Mall.
[25%] West / South:
- Starting from Cherry Cross Station go to the southwest of Cherry Grove and glide west, picking up the crate along the way, continue west and check the top of the hill if there is a log do the Mirror check near it otherwise fast travel back to Cherry Cross. Go southeast and check for a dead tree in cherry grove if you find the tree do your checks near it. (no tree, no mirror) Head south to the lost hearts graveyard. Perform your checks in the water.
[16%] West / North:
- Starting from Icelington station, jump down the right side of Mt. Wirral to get to the cave with the river coming out of it perform the mirror checks at the back of the cave, there is both a crate and rock near the cave. If checks fail, grab a crate and go east down in to “HAM”, use the lever to raise platforms to continue east to the earth shrine. Checks are made ON the shrine and there is a rock not far to the southwest.
[8%] East / South:
- Starting from Mourningtown, go straight south to get to New London and Mirror check the inside of the ruined house in the North eastern corner of town.
To perform a mirror check, once at the required locations perform the following:
- Jump x3
- Face 4 directions (North, South, East, West)
- Open map x3
- Recycle / Discard 3 items (resources such as wood prefered)
- Bullet Dash
- Typically, after those 5 have been performed you will move to the next location, unless:
- Place Rock (if available)
- Place Crate (if available)
- Wait 30 seconds at night (Last resort)
- Use magnet ability (requires Boltam tape, currently unavailable in the run)
Because rocks and crates are not easy to get at most locations, waiting at night is time expensive and we lack Boltam, the base chance of finding the mirror at each location is 55%.
Once the mirror has been found, interact with it and enter the final station. (You cannot enter without Kayleigh).
Once you have entered the main room after the white hallway, head to back corner with Magikrab and vineball up the right wall. From the top of the wall jump onto / over the back wall and glide out of bounds to the other side of the station / platform gate and begin the final encounters.
- Turn 1: Taunt / Paintswipe
- Turn 2: Zephyr / Swap to Tokusect (or Dominoth)
- Turn 3: Zephy / Smack
- Done.
This fight uses an alternative turn 1, due to taunt being less important in this fight.
But, because Aleph-Null has a RANDOM move pool, there is a chance to have your beasts be one shot or confused or hit with any number of effects that can throw off the normal combat rhythm. If you cannot defeat him by early turn 3, glass coating will have to be reapplied with brushroom, to attempt to add more resonance. Or failing a resonance victory you could bring his health down to half the old fashioned way. There is a chance that it may not be possible to defeat Aleph-Null with what you have.
- Turn 1: Air Wall (Nevermort) / Paint Swipe
- Turn 2: Zephyr / Swap (Tokusect)
- Turn 3: Zephyr / Smack
- Done (If Resonance Victory).
If you have managed to defeat Aleph-Null phase, you move onto the final phase.
Morgante vs Aleph-Null:
- Turn 1-2: Item: Iced Coffee
- Turn 3: Coda Morgana
- Done.
Once the cutscenes are over finish the run by talking to Amber and starting the final cutscene.